21:22 03 Mar 2024

"Imperial fantasy of Russia's dictator is not limited to Ukraine" – French Minister of European Affairs

Photo: EPA

According to Jean-Noel Barrot, the struggle of Ukrainians against Russia is also the struggle of the European Union. Resisting the invader, they are fighting for the security of Europe and France, because Vladimir Putin's imperial fantasy is obviously not limited to Ukraine. Therefore, for the West, "it would be a crime to succumb to the spirit of capitulation."

He said this in an interview with Le Journal du Dimanche.

According to him, by inviting twenty-seven heads of state and government to Paris, French President Emmanuel Macron "demonstrated the unity and determination of these countries to do more, better and differently to meet the needs of the Ukrainian resistance."

"It would be a serious mistake to exclude the discussion of our options. The West would be guilty of succumbing to the spirit of capitulation. Our stability against Vladimir Putin is a guarantee of our security," the politician emphasized.

He also noted that European defense should leave NATO's "umbrella" since European defense "has acquired a completely new dimension with the beginning of Russian aggression in Ukraine."

"In particular, thanks to the European Peace Fund, which made it possible to finance the training of the Ukrainian military, transfer military equipment to Ukraine, and make it possible to carry out joint purchases and production operations," Barrot stressed.

Earlier, the chancellor of Estonia's Ministry of Defense, Kusti Salm, noted that Europe will give Ukraine long-range weapons when the situation at the front worsens.

He noted that Ukraine will face a difficult period in the war until the help of the West will allow it to find a balance in this battle.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused the West of insufficient support for Kyiv earlier.

He, among other things, said that the delay in the supply of weapons to Kyiv leads to the fact that the list of children whose lives are taken by the Russian Federation is constantly growing.

For reference:

It should be noted that the meeting in Paris took place on February 26 at the initiative of French President Emmanuel Macron. Presidents, heads of government, and ministers of 28 countries discussed further support for Ukraine.

After the meeting, Macron did not rule out NATO deploying troops to help Ukraine, but there is still no consensus on this issue.

French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal also did not reject the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine.

In turn, French Foreign Minister Stephane Séjourné said France could send its soldiers to Ukraine to help with various tasks but not participate in hostilities.

However, Poland and the Czech Republic are not considering the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine.

Furthermore, according to a White House official speaking to Reuters on February 26, the US currently has no intention of deploying troops for combat purposes in Ukraine, and NATO also has no plans to do so.

Moscow reacted angrily to Macron's remarks, warning that the deployment of Western troops in Ukraine would inevitably lead to a conflict between Russia and NATO.

However, the French president said that all his statements about a full-scale Russian war against Ukraine – including the possibility of sending Western troops, which caused a stir – were carefully thought out.

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