Photos 16:00 21 Nov 2023

United to win: German company transfers 3D-printed drones to Ukraine's military

Photo: ALT

Ukraine's armed forces received the first three long-range Titan Falcon drones, which were printed on a 3D printer by the German company Donaustahl GmbH.

The German Aid to Ukraine project announced this on the social network X (Twitter).

What is the problem?

Drones of different types and skill levels play a crucial role in the war with Russia, serving as the primary eyes of our armed forces.

UAVs allow soldiers to conduct reconnaissance along the entire front line, detect Russian forces and enemy equipment, remotely adjust artillery fire, and destroy the occupiers using explosives.

The drones can spot the Russians using thermal imaging, and the Ukrainian military ensures they can no longer be seen in that area.

Therefore, thousands of different models are needed for the Ukrainian defense drones. They are purchased and collected by benefactors. Partner countries also transmit it.

What is the solution?

"On the order of an American-Ukrainian non-governmental organization, the German company Donaustahl GmbH produces 3D-printed Titan Falcon long-range UAVs and supplies them to Ukraine's armed forces. Three such UAVs have already been produced. All have been handed over to the Armed Forces," the message said.

БпЛА на 3Dпринтері

Photo: ALT

How does it work?

Currently, two out of three transferred UAVs are already undergoing testing in the conditions of combat operations on the territory of Ukraine.

The Titan Falcon can fly for six hours at a distance of up to 400 km at a speed of 45-70 km/h.

БпЛА на 3Dпринтері

Photo: ALT

It is equipped with an FPV camera that can transmit real-time images. Also, the design allows you to install a camera with a 2.5-inch lens to expand reconnaissance capabilities.

БпЛА на 3Dпринтері

Photo: ALT

It should be noted that "German Aid to Ukraine" positions itself as a private project that aims to help track Germany's aid to Ukraine in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Donaustahl GmbH is a startup from Bavaria that is engaged in developing weapons. There are no reports of drones on the company's website, which deals mainly with small arms.

For reference:

In March 2023, the Minister of Digital Transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov, announced that the Ukrainian army is actively transforming and gaining unique experience in the most technological war in history.

"Previously, together with the General Staff, the creation of the world's first UAV strike companies was announced with a completely new approach to management, training, and doctrine of the use of drones. Today, the first three UAV strike companies are ready for combat," he noted.

In October, the Minister of Strategic Industries, Oleksandr Kamyshyn, stated at a briefing at the NATO Industrial Forum in Stockholm that by the end of 2023, Ukraine will reach production rates of tens of thousands of drones of all types per month.

"By the end of the year, it will be tens of thousands per month. And we are increasing this even faster than conventional ammunition and combat weapons," the minister added.

The Ukrainian market for the production of drones is actively developing; more than 100 companies manufacture drones in the country.

Today, the Ukrainian army already has dozens of drones of domestic production. We are talking not only about unmanned aerial vehicles but also about surface drones.

Ukraine has also established serial production of the domestic analog of Shahed drones.

Additionally, Rubryka announced that the speed of drone transfers from suppliers to units of Ukraine's armed forces has reached a record high. This can be completed in a few days thanks to significantly reducing bureaucratic processes.


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