16:56 27 Jun 2023

Ukraine's drone production booms, with over 100 companies now active – Ministry of Digital Transformation

Photo: open sources

The Ukrainian market for the production of drones is currently experiencing rapid growth, and there are over onehundred companies that are currently engaged in the manufacture of such drones.

The Deputy Prime Minister for Innovations, Development of Education, Science, and Technologies – Minister of Digital Transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov, reported that in an interview for Radio NV.

"Compared to last year, the production of drones in some categories has increased tens of times, in some cases – by hundreds. 40 Ukrainian UAVs have already passed the commissioning procedure and are receiving state contracts. More than 100 companies that manufacture drones for various foundations and the military are operating on the market ", he noted.

Fedorov emphasized that a technological revolution is currently taking place in the market, which was preceded by the abolition of almost all blockers: fast-track for UAVs was introduced, VAT and import duty on drone components were abolished, unnecessary bureaucracy was eliminated, and permission for the operation was simplified.

"Funding has been increased, and there is a positive trend. But this is not enough; we need even more UAVs. We will understand that we have enough drones only when we reach the borders of 1991. Production must be increased and stimulated," the minister added.

For reference:

For more than 11 months of the existence of the Army of Drones project, 3,864 UAV complexes were purchased at the expense of United24. The sum of concluded contracts is more than UAH 4.3 billion.

Training centers for UAV operators have taught 10,000 soldiers to operate drones.

Read also – Solutions to win: Ukrainian manufacturers receive $3 mln in funding for UAV defense technology.

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