Column 09:42 28 Jan 2021

Ukraine lost millions of tons of grain in 2020 due to climate change. What should we do?

Because of the warm snowless winter last year, Ukraine lost 568.2 thousand hectares of winter crops and millions of dollars in exports. A new warm winter has come, which can lead to negative consequences. The problem should be addressed immediately at the state level. How exactly? Find out further.

In 2020, climate change hit farmers and the Ukrainian state budget. After all, the products of the agro-industrial complex and the food industry handle 44% of exports. Because of the warm, snowless winter caused by climate change, the soils weren't sufficiently moist, which exacerbated the drought in summer. As a result, significant crop losses. 12.2 million tons of wheat were harvested, which is 37% less than last year. Approximately $115.5 million was lost on agricultural exports. The final amounts are still being calculated.

"The spring-summer drought has caused significant losses to farmers who've sown spring crops (for example, spring wheat, rye, buckwheat, peas, beans, etc.). Corn suffered the most. 203 thousand hectares were completely lost, and very low yields were obtained on 718 thousand hectares," said Taras Vysotskyi, Deputy Minister of Economy, Trade, and Agriculture of Ukraine in response to an information request from the Center for Environmental Initiatives "Ekodia."

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