Digest 18:22 20 Apr 2024

Military aid from Denmark and embroidered shirts dedicated to Ukraine's allies: five leading solutions of the week

Every Saturday, Rubryka offers a short digest of the TOP-5 solutions of the week that bring Ukraine's victory closer:

🇩🇰 Denmark allocated a new aid package to Ukraine for almost €295 million. These funds will go to developing the Ukrainian defense and industrial complex.

🚤 Ukrainian developers are creating a new submarine that fires torpedoes. Kronos has recently been tested for military use.

🚿 Estonian volunteers handed over a mobile front-line sauna to the National Guard. This mobile complex is based on a KamAZ military van, which is equipped with a sauna, an additional tractor-washing machine, and an auxiliary vehicle.

🪡 Etnodim created embroidered shirts dedicated to Ukraine's allies. The funds from the sales will be used to purchase the necessary equipment for the soldiers of the International Legion under the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

❗️The defense ministers of the NATO countries agreed to provide Ukraine with more air defense equipment and systems. The ministers of foreign affairs of the G7 countries also pledged to strengthen Ukrainian air defense.


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