
Climate change

14 jul, 11:24

NATO issues climate impact assessment of Russia’s war against Ukraine

18 jun, 11:18

Russian aggression has resulted in $32 bln in Ukraine’s climate damage since beginning of full-scale war

18 jun, 07:50

What rain gardens are and how they help cities deal with excess precipitation

6 jun, 15:39

Unique willow forest thrives in Ukraine's dried-up reservoir one year after Kakhovka Dam destruction

23 nov, 15:23

Ukrainian initiative on the forefront of digital cleanup: reducing carbon footprint and combating global warming

12 nov, 16:30

Ukraine joins global effort to conserve cryosphere

22 oct, 16:30

Ukraine opens "Climate Office" to lead green reconstruction and reduce carbon footprint

2 sep, 09:48

Start with yourself: how activists from Zaporizhzhia adjust their region to climate change

What's Going On
6 jun, 16:41

Destruction of Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant: what will be the consequences and what to do now

19 may, 11:31

Kyiv aims to tackle climate change with new city environmental department

28 apr, 15:37

Eco-solutions: Lviv plants trees to adapt to climate change

2 mar, 18:00

Eco-solution: Ukrainian city Rivne receives EU grant to combat climate change

23 dec, 11:30

Instructions on your smartphone: Rubryka launches eco-solutions chatbot

7 nov, 12:25

Ukraine pavilion at the UN Climate Change Conference: the first-time presence

19 oct, 21:00

Largest gas accident in history: how will Nord Stream leak affect climate and biota of Baltic Sea?

7 oct, 11:37

Buy plastic from EU — finance war in Ukraine: why production and use of plastic helps russia

21 aug, 23:32

Europe’s rivers run dry as scientists warn drought could be worst in 500 years

15 aug, 22:49

‘Hunger stones’ resurface as Europe faces historic drought

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