Plastic roads: how they built them in the world and if asphalt from secondary raw materials will appear in Ukraine
Tired of corrugations in the driveway to the house? We'll talk about how plastic can help drivers and even help the environment.

The problem of waste has a global scale and requires more and more alternative approaches to its solution. One such solution may be the reuse of waste in various fields, including road construction. In line with the BigBud construction program in Ukraine, the State Agency of Auto-roads of Ukraine has concentrated its effort on road reconstruction this year. BigBud is keeping pace with the times, thus, for the first time, the Donetsk region used metallurgical production waste, slag, in repairing the roads. The next will be the Zaporizhia and Dnipropetrovsk regions. "We are at the stage of implementing these technologies. And we encourage contractors to use alternative ways," the State Agency of Auto-roads of Ukraine reported. According to analysts, Ukraine can increase the use of slag in road construction at least five times.
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