08:20 26 Dec 2023

Ukraine's armed forces strike port in Feodosia, causing fire on Russian ship 'Novocherkask'

Photo: open sources

On the night of December 26, in occupied Feodosia on the Crimean Peninsula, a series of loud explosions rang out in the port, after which a fire started there, and a detonation was heard: the Ukrainian Defense Forces hit the large landing ship "Novocherkask."

Rubryka writes about this, referring to the Telegram channels of Astra, Mash, BBC Russian, Crimean Wind, so-called "head of Crimea" Sergey Aksenov, the Telegram of the Commander of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Mykola Oleshchuk, the Telegram of the Air Force.

As reported on the Astra channel, a fire in Feodosia was near the port. Residents wrote about it in public.

Russian mass media spread information about the alleged work of Russian air defense, but its effectiveness is currently in question.

Mash noted that explosions were heard near the port in Feodosia. And they added that allegedly "the work of the Air Defense Forces is underway."

"Residents report that they hear loud bangs and see plumes of smoke. Some write that the windows in their houses were shaking. Traffic on the bridge is blocked. There is no official information yet," the report adds.

A photo of the port of Feodosia after the explosions was also published on the monitoring Telegram channel.

Феодосія, портPhoto: From open sources

Also, the moment of one of the explosions in the port was caught on video. It was so powerful that windows were blown out of houses in the Morsad district of Feodosia.

Later, Aksyonov reported that there had been an enemy attack in the Feodosia region.

Крим, ФеодосіяPhoto: DeepStateMAP

"The port area is surrounded. Currently, the explosion has ceased, and the fire has been brought under control.

All necessary services are actively working on-site. Some residents of nearby buildings will be displaced," he emphasized.

In turn, Oleshchuk thanked the pilots of the Air Force and everyone involved for their meticulous work.

"The fleet in Russia is getting smaller and smaller! This time, the large amphibious ship Novocherkask is following the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, the cruiser Moskva," wrote Oleshchuk.

Феодосія, портPhoto: From social networks

A photo of the port of Feodosia after the explosions was published on the monitoring Telegram channel.

"A loud explosion rang out in Feodosia at 03:31 (02:31 Kyiv time – Ed.), and now something is burning in the port, our subscribers report. And the detonation continues. They say that some ship was hit," Crimean Wind reports.

Феодосія, портPhoto: Telegram / Crimean wind

According to the channel, this ship brought Shahed kamikaze drones from Iran, with which the occupiers attacked Ukraine. Later, this was reported on the Telegram channel of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"The commander of the Air Force, Lieutenant General Mykola Oleshchuk, thanked the pilots of the Air Force and all those involved for the destruction of the Novocherkassk landing ship. It is said that the ship transported Shahed drones," the Air Force mentioned.

"Novocherkask" (BDK-46) is a large amphibious ship of project 775 (775/II), which is in service with the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy.

This vessel is designed to facilitate beach landings on underdeveloped shores and to transport troops and supplies by sea. It can also accommodate a range of armored vehicles, such as tanks.

It is worth noting that this ship was not targeted for the first time. On March 24, 2022, at the beginning of a full-scale war in Ukraine, "Novocherkask" was already damaged during an attack on the port of Berdiansk.

For reference:

It should be noted that explosions are generally heard more often in Crimea. Ukraine's defenders have already conducted dozens of operations on the peninsula and in the Black Sea, destroying Russian bases, warehouses, and ships.

Thus, in October 2022, maritime drones of the Security Service of Ukraine attacked ships of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation in Sevastopol Bay, damaging, in particular, the Admiral Makarov frigate.

In general, in 2023, Security Service's drones struck:

In turn, the head of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense, Kyrylo Budanov, said that the Defense Forces of Ukraine are capable, if necessary, of striking the enemy in any part of the Crimea temporarily occupied by Russia.


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