Photos, video 16:15 19 Dec 2023

Solutions from Ukraine: Bucha becomes home to country's first kitchen factory catering to school canteens

Photo: Faccebook/ olena Zelenska

The first kitchen factory in Ukraine was constructed in Bucha, Kyiv region.

The President's wife, Olena Zelenska, announced this on Facebook.

What is the problem?

According to Olena Zelenska, the project was started by Howard  Buffett's desire not only to help Ukraine recover after the invasion by the Russian aggressors but also to become better.

First of all, the patron wanted to help children and education.

Photo: Facebook / Olena Zelenska

As Zelenska mentioned, even before the start of the full-scale war, school audits showed that not every institution had the necessary capacity to prepare high-quality food for children.

After hundreds of educational institutions in Ukraine were bombed and destroyed by the Russian army, adequate nutrition became an even bigger question.

The project of a kitchen factory, which would cook for the schools of several communities, became especially relevant.

What is the solution?

Currently, the construction of the first kitchen factory in the country has been completed in Bucha.

Photo: Facebook / Olena Zelenska

How does it work?

"I'm glad to be here today with philanthropist Howard Buffett, thanks to whom this project became possible. And it's not only about food – it's about joint actions. About support that has no borders and territorial boundaries. About jobs and the economic revitalization needed by the de-occupied territories", said the first lady.

Photo: Facebook / Olena Zelenska

Also on Facebook, Zelenska recalled how it all began.

"Less than a year ago, this place was a wasteland, and philanthropist Mr. Howard Buffett and I raised the first symbolic bucket of earth, opening the construction. And today, we are at the already completed construction of the first kitchen factory in Ukraine, in Bucha," the President's wife noted.

Photo: Facebook / Olena Zelenska

According to Zelenska, from January to February, the kitchen in Bucha will feed 30 surrounding schools and kindergartens in three communities:

  • Bucha,
  • Nemishaieve,
  • Borodianka.

Photo: Facebook / Olena Zelenska

"And these will be dinners prepared not just in the new premises, but on modern equipment, according to modern technologies. And according to the new requirements of the reform: to be both useful and tasty simultaneously," the first lady emphasized.

Photo: Facebook / Olena Zelenska

According to her, the next stage will be training personnel and adjusting the technological process.

"I am very grateful to Mr. Howard and his The Howard G. Buffett Foundation, which was with us at all stages of this unique undertaking. From our side, the reform team worked on the project, Kyiv Regional Military Administration, Bucha City Hall, and representatives of the ministries were also involved. That is, it is a big collective work. The work of this kitchen will attract the whole country's attention, so I hope the city will show the best example of effective use," added Zelenska.

She also announced the future construction of the second kitchen factory in the country, namely in the city of Lozova, Kharkiv region. This kitchen will feed approximately 14,000 schoolchildren and preschoolers in five communities of the Lozova district daily.

The wife of the President emphasized that the reform of school meals is ongoing. Experts select the best option for each region.

For example, one will have a kitchen factory, and the other will expand the network of support kitchens.

"I always emphasize: we do not just build kitchens or food units – we provide children with equal access to healthy food in any corner of the country, from large cities to the smallest villages. We want to raise a healthy generation, and we will do it. Despite everything," said the first lady.

It should be noted that the construction of a kitchen factory in Bucha is part of the reform of school meals. The work started in the spring of this year.

For reference:

As reported, at the beginning of November in the Kyiv region, a partner meeting was held among representatives of 12 regions of the country to exchange experience on the topic "Nutrition reform: challenges, achievements, prospects."

It should be noted that in Ukraine, children with disabilities will be fed free of charge in communal institutions of secondary education.

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