
Alice Smahina

New Year Solutions
22 dec, 17:55

What to cook on New Year's Eve: 4 life situations and 17 recipes

New Year Solutions
20 dec, 10:15

New Year without TV: what else to do on holiday night?

New Year Solutions
17 dec, 15:30

Top 12 best Christmas ads of 2021. How brands make you think about important issues

In Handy
11 dec, 18:15

How to decorate a Christmas tree without harming nature: 10 effective ways

5 dec, 10:45

"Vitamin cocktails" and dry fruit for soldiers: how volunteers fight colds on the front line

3 dec, 11:53

Useful Сonfectionery: how people with disabilities in Cherkasy region are helped by occupational therapy

In Handy
30 nov, 09:35

Сats and dogs: 8 life hacks for friendly pet coexistence

She's Got It
29 nov, 18:25

More than make-up: how an Ivano-Frankivsk beauty salon helps women with cancer

26 nov, 15:30

Pumpkin kin: how a village in Dnipropetrovsk region finds its identity

Look at us!
24 nov, 19:05

Big sports at 42. How did Ihor Yevtushenko become jiu-jitsu world champion?

22 nov, 17:35

On rain, sun, and shadow: the top 10 strangest tax solutions from around the world

She's Got It
20 nov, 15:00

May we turn gray? Why do women decide not to dye their hair

16 nov, 15:30

How to make a holiday for children in the combat zone? Every Ukrainian can become a wizard

12 nov, 08:10

Mammoths, cows, and superglue: 18 original solutions against climate change

5 nov, 16:30

"We don't want to beg and don't want to steal": how Romani women in Odesa are helped to get on their feet

4 nov, 17:15

There's a problem: how to dispose of old gadgets? We found a solution

2 nov, 13:55

Vaccination 18+: what to vaccinate adults from, except covid

In Handy
30 oct, 14:15

Solution against autumn gloom: 5 drinks that will warm and save the mood

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