New Year Solutions 17:55 22 Dec 2021

What to cook on New Year's Eve: 4 life situations and 17 recipes

Are you celebrating the New Year with your family, company, as a couple, or alone? We have a delicious plan for each of these situations!

What is the problem?

Every year, each house prepares traditional dishes for the New Year's table. So traditional that we want to alter this long-term stability in the end. And indeed, modern supermarkets have so many products, including delicious, unusual, and out-of-season ones, that limiting yourself to banal snacks and salads is like staying out of time.

What is the solution?

Enough with putting bowls of Olivier salad and aspic in front of the guests! Yes, you got it right: it's a riot! Rubryka invites its readers to break the unwritten laws and try to prepare something new. Let's experiment with the usual products and recipes and make the culinary component of one of the major winter holidays worthy of its name. A new table for the New Year sounds good, eh? And for the treats to be not only original but also convenient and not exhausting, we offer 4 options for the main dishes in the New Year's menu for all occasions of our hectic life.

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