Education 10:25 10 Dec 2021

Not a whim, but a behavioral disorder: attention deficit disorder in schoolchildren and what to do with it

We tell you how to identify ADHD, and how to adapt a child with a disorder to school

Is the student mobile and impulsive? Do they have problems with concentrating and self-organizing? The reason for these behavioral features may be attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Halyna Druk, a neurologist, explained to the team of the Learning together: a friendly school project about how to help such children achieve success in learning.


What is the problem?

What is ADHD?

ADHD is a behavioral disorder caused by immature frontal lobes, areas of the brain that are responsible for attention and self-control. Russell Barclay, an American psychiatry professor and an expert on ADHD, derived the so-called 30% rule: the emotional and volitional sphere, self-control, and ability to plan actions in children with ADHD are formed 30% below their biological age. That is, at the age of 6 the child behaves like a 4-year-old. With age, the brain can "mature," and it catches up with normative peers. But while this is happening, the student risks getting the stigma of "unmanageable" and their parents, a sense of guilt, so it's better to seek professional help.

Only doctors, a neurologist, and a psychiatrist can diagnose ADHD after long observations.

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