УрбанРубрика 19:45 12 Nov 2020

Repairing entrance hall yourself: what to do if you don't want to wait for a miracle from utility provider

And we also explain who should repair the entrance hall, how to initiate it in the co-op, or how to return part of the funds for improved common space

Often, when it comes to the condition of entrance halls in residential buildings, residents mostly complain that utility services don't whitewash, repaint, repair, or change anything. The matter complexifies because the older the apartment building is, the worse the condition is. Peeled paint on the walls, black ceilings, rusty mailboxes, dead light bulbs: a picture is familiar to millions of Ukrainians. Management companies and co-ops dislike doing renovations, saying there's not enough money "for beauty."

However, fortunately, there are people in the country who don't wait and don't get sad but do something. Two women, residents of Hrebinka in the Poltava region, made beautiful and original renovations at their own expense.

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