What's Happening 19:46 31 Oct 2022

Massive missile attack on Ukraine, nuclear plant eco-disaster and grain deal: timeline and solutions of October 31

Today is day 250 day of russia's war in Ukraine: we talk about key events at the front, in the rear, and in the world, and about leading solutions that approach our victory. Symbolically, this day is the last when Rubryka publishes a daily war timeline. In the future, we will prepare a weekly analytical article to analyze the week's key events and trends. The week's first updated chronicle of events will be released this Saturday.


Ukrainian army's successes

📌 At 07:00 on October 31, the russian occupiers launched several waves of missile attacks on critical infrastructure facilities of Ukraine. The russians launched 55 cruise missiles. Ukraine's air defense destroyed 45 cruise missiles.

One of the rockets "changed its mind" and flew back to russia.

Yurii Ihnat, the spokesman of the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, called the incredibly high percentage of the downing of russian missiles during the October 31 attack. According to him, the key to the success of the air defense forces was a lot of experience, intelligence, and a little luck. At the same time, Ihnat is sure that a good result doesn't negate the need to strengthen air defense. Modern air defense systems should replace Soviet models.

📌 According to Ukraine's General Staff, a column of russian military equipment was destroyed yesterday in the Kherson region, ammunition depot, and five units of weapons and military equipment of various types were destroyed in the Zaporizhzhia region.

📌 Separate units of the russian army are preparing for evacuation from the right-bank part of the Kherson region: they are checking the watercraft availability of the river fleet, installing pontoon crossings, and checking the serviceability of barges. Two of them were recently destroyed by the Ukrainian forces in the Antonivka bridge area.

📌 Ukraine's Air Force launched 21 strikes at the enemy during the last 24 hours, of which: 

  • 15 — on the areas of concentration of weapons and military equipment, 
  • 2 — on platoon strongholds, 
  • 4 — on the positions of the enemy's air defense complexes. 

📌 The Ukrainian forces also downed russia's K-52 helicopter and Su-25 attack aircraft.

📌 Soldiers of Ukraine's missile troops and artillery hit the russian control post and the anti-aircraft missile system over the past day.

📌 Two russian Ka-52 helicopters exploded in the Pskov Oblast (russia). The reasons for the "self-destruction" are unknown, but the explosion scattered the wreckage of the fuselage 200 meters around. Two more helicopters were damaged, Ukraine's intelligence learned.

📌  Minimum of 2 explosions were reported in the center of occupied Donetsk. We are waiting for the details. 

russia's crimes

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In the photo, rescuers from the Cherkasy region are fighting fire after strikes on infrastructure.

📌 Monday morning for Ukrainians began with a new massive missile attack by russian terrorists. russian missiles and drones hit ten regions of Ukraine, where 18 objects were damaged, most of which were energy-related. Hundreds of settlements in the country's seven regions were cut off from electricity. 13 people were injured.

  • In Kyiv, there were hits on critical infrastructure facilities. Water supply has disappeared in 80% of the capital. Part of the capital is out of power. In the evening, the water supply was restored by relevant services.
  • In the Kyiv region, two people were injured, and buildings were damaged.
  • In the Vinnytsia region, a downed russian missile fell on civilian objects; there is destruction.
  • Missile debris fell on the territory of Khmelnytskyi. There is the destruction of a civilian object. 
  • In Zaporizhzhia, russia attacked a critical infrastructure facility. Due to the attack, the city's power supply was cut off.
  • Enemy missiles hit one of the energy facilities in the Svitlovodsk district of the Kirovohrad region. The elimination of the consequences of the fire is ongoing.
  • In the Chernivtsi region, there is damage to critical infrastructure.
  • In the Cherkasy region, four people were injured in the morning attack and were hospitalized.
  • Severe destruction was recorded at energy infrastructure facilities in Dnipro and Pavlohrad.
  • Several sections of the railway were de-energized.

📌 russian missiles flew through the airspace of Moldova. A russian rocket shot down by our air defense fell in the village of Naslavcea, Ocnița District, in the north of the country. 

📌 Today, at approximately 8:00 a.m., the russians launched attacks at Kharkiv and Chuhuyiv district, with S-300 missiles launched from Belgorod. Critical infrastructure facilities were damaged. 

📌 Dnipropetrovsk region. A night of massive shelling. Marhanets of the Nikopol district were affected the most. Forty shells from the russian Grad MRLS were launched at it. A 31-year-old woman died. Another woman is injured. 

Almost 30 high-rise and private buildings were damaged in the city. The local academy, administrative buildings, cars, and power lines were mutilated. 

The enemy hit an energy infrastructure object in the Kamianske district with kamikaze drones. Serious destruction. 

📌 Yesterday, in the Sumy region, a woman was injured due to a mortar shelling of the Krasnopillia community.

📌 The russian occupiers continue to shell Mykolaiv. Settlements of Bashtanka and Mykolaiv districts and five communities were struck. At least three people were injured.


Also, yesterday, two people were blown up by a projectile that did not explode earlier. One of them is a 12-year-old boy who is in serious condition in the hospital. 

As of today, 436 citizens are in Mykolaiv hospitals due to russia's shelling of the Mykolaiv region. 

📌 A mass plague of fish began in the cooling pond of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. If the water temperature in the cooling pond does not rise soon, about a thousand tons of dead fish will wash ashore. As reported by Energoatom, the russian occupiers at the ZNPP provoked an environmental disaster. Their actions destroy an important ecological component of the station's work.

📌 Near Ochakiv, the occupiers fired at two civilian port tugboats transporting a barge with grain. Two crew members were killed, and one was rescued with injuries.

📌 The Institute for the Study of War believes that the russian dictator probably decided to wait for the winter to see if Western support for Ukraine would weaken. The aggressor will continue conventional military operations to hold previously captured territories but is unlikely to dare to use tactical nuclear weapons.

Life amid war

📌 Half of Ukrainians believe that they have adapted to blackouts. It was easier for residents of cities with a population of 50,000 to adapt. During blackouts, Ukrainians most often do household chores (44%). 

📌 The Nova Poshta postal service company opened three new branches in Warsaw and the second in Krakow, Poland. In total, six offices of the operator are already working in these cities.

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📌 Two more concrete shelters for the townspeople will be installed in Mykolaiv ⬆️.

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📌 At Odesa Customs, during another search, a Mi-2 rotorcraft (pictured above), which had been there since 2007, was discovered in a cargo container. It will be handed over to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. 

📌 Not very good news: Ukraine's DTEK energy holding has run out of equipment for restoring the power system, the executive director of DTEK, Dmytro Sakharuk, said. He added that the company is doing everything possible to replenish them.


Foreign partners' support

💡 "Russia continues its callous and barbaric missile strikes on the people of Ukraine in an effort to leave the country cold and dark as we approach winter," the US Embassy reacted to the terrorist's morning shelling of the country.

💡 The IRIS-T air defense provided by Germany earlier this month was 100% successful today! However, many more such systems are needed.

💡 12 ships left Ukrainian ports, despite russia's withdrawal from the "grain agreement." UN and Turkey agreed on the movement of ships with 355 thousand tons of agricultural products to the countries of Africa, Asia, and Europe.

У Празі мітинг на підтримку України

💡 A multi-thousand-strong rally against the growth of extremism and in support of Ukraine, the Czech Republic Against Fear and Hate, took place in Prague. ⬆️

💡 And today, a government delegation from the Czech Republic headed by Prime Minister Fiala arrived in Kyiv.

💡 The Czech Republic has developed its Assistance Plan for Ukraine, which provides financial support for more than €20 million during 2023-2025.

💡 Sweden decided to transfer modern weapons to Ukraine, which changed the updated defense policy of the northern country.

Ukrainians, let's unite!

💡 Wi-Fi points will be created in Ukraine in case of power outages. They will run on Tesla Powerwall batteries and Starlink terminals. Part of the more than 1,500 Starlink terminals that Ukraine will receive from Poland will be used. The first such points should start working already in November.

💡 The Zemliachky public organization launched the 3MLCHK brand, which will sew free military uniforms for our female defenders ⬆️. The NGO Zemliachky, the Kharkiv Lap factory, and the Uzhhorod Sewing Factory developed sewing patterns for sewing. The first batch of the autumn form consists of three hundred copies. Winter sets are currently under development, but they will begin sewn soon.

💡 One of the Poltava enterprises manufactured bags for devices of the Starlink satellite communication system used by our military on the front lines. The company purchases part of the materials for equipment, and benefactors contribute.


Photo: Soldier's Kitchen Charity Organization

💡 More than 40,000 portions of dry borscht and soups for the Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers were prepared and handed over by Soldier's Kitchen volunteers from Nemiriv, Vinnytsia region. In total, they prepared seven types of soup sets. Volunteers not only processed more than 7 tons of vegetables but also united locals for a common cause.

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💡 In Pervomaisk, Mykolaiv region, the volunteers are raffling off a picture with a patriotic plot "russian warship, go…". It was made using the camouflage net principle. The draw started on October 24. The raffle rules are simple; for a donation of 250 hryvnias, a person receives a number and a chance to win a painting. And the funds received will go to help the 79th brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.


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