What's Happening 19:37 28 Oct 2022

Biggest war escalation since February and tulips for Ukraine: Timeline and solutions of October 28

Today is day 247 of russia's war in Ukraine: we talk about key events at the front, in the rear, and the world, as well as the leading solutions that approach our victory.


Ukrainian army's successes

📌 The head of the press center of OC "South," Nataliya Humenyuk, announced that the russian troops would not be able to hold on to the right bank of the Dnipro, and they are aware of this. However, you shouldn't count on a "gesture of goodwill": "We understand that giving away Kherson just like that is another slap in the south. They haven't fully recovered after "Moscow" and Zmiyny, and this will already be a blow to the breath. russian troops at the moment are setting up certain lines of defense: they are trying to hold the right bank, they are preparing a defense on the left," Humenyuk said on the air of the telethon.

📌 The Armed Forces of Ukraine repelled attacks by russian troops in the areas of 13 settlements of the Luhansk region and Donetsk region.

📌 In the Zaporizhzhia region, 8 units of weapons and military equipment of various types were destroyed, and up to 120 servicemen were injured. About 100 occupiers were wounded in the Kherson region.

📌 Military counter-intelligence agents turned the russian electronic communications station "Silock-01" into a colander. A carefully disguised electronic warfare complex was discovered in one of the destroyed buildings in the Donetsk region. One of the latest russia's developments was destroyed. 

📌 2 enemy military bases and 2 ammunition warehouses were destroyed in the Bilozersk district of Kherson Oblast due to point strikes of the Armed Forces. There are minus 2 warehouses in Beryslav Oblast.

📌 The statistics of the occupiers' losses are fantastic – almost 70 thousand dead russists! Another 480 invaders went to hell within a day. In addition, our defenders destroyed 9 tanks, 14 armored vehicles, 10 cars, an airplane, and 2 enemy helicopters.

📌 Yesterday, russian propagandist from "Russia-24" Maksudov made a report after the night explosions in occupied Shakhtarsk and showed the location. The Armed Forces took advantage of this, adjusted their fire, and finished off the fuel tanks.

📌 Ukroboronprom reports:

  • In these eight months, the Armed Forces received more weapons than in all of 2021. For some types of heavy military equipment, it is 7-12 times more.
  • One of the enterprises has mastered the production of more than 22 types of military products.
  • Only in recent weeks, the concern brought about 100,000 artillery rounds to Ukraine.
  • One of the radar systems developed in Ukraine has been working continuously at the front for 8 months. And this is despite the norm of uninterrupted work of 24 hours.

russia's crimes

📌 The occupiers shelled the Dnipropetrovsk region from "Hrads" all night long. The Nikopol district was the most affected. 10 private houses were damaged, and power lines were cut.

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📌 The occupiers also shelled Mykolaiv at night. One person was injured. As a result of a missile strike from the S-300 air defense system, a three-story administrative building was destroyed.⬆️

📌 Zaporizhzhia region was shelled more than 50 times per day. The infrastructure facility was damaged. A total of 23 reports of civilian object destruction were received.

📌 As a result of russian attacks, 3 civilians died in Bakhmut and 1 in Sviatohirsk in Donetsk region. 9 were injured.

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russian terrorists fired 17 mines in the village of Boyaro-Lezhachi.

📌 The russian army shelled the village of Boyaro-Lezhachi in Sumy Oblast with mortars on October 27. Today, the border of Chernihiv Oblast was shelled.

📌 Hundreds of wagons with grain are stuck in the queue to the ports because russia's representatives in the inspection group created as part of the "grain initiative" are delaying inspections in the Bosphorus and creating other artificial obstacles. Blocking the export of Ukrainian grain is part of russian terror. russia demonstratively blackmails the world with a food crisis and famine.

📌 In Kherson, the occupiers closed almost all pharmacies. There are only three pharmacies in the entire regional center. The russians are taking away equipment from hospitals, and they are also closing them, depriving local people of the opportunity to receive medical care.

📌 In Chuhuyiv, Kharkiv Oblast, russians damaged one of the world's largest radio telescopes. Its territory covers more than 100 hectares. The russians were on the territory of the station for several months.

📌 russia, retreating from the Kherson region, may carry out terrorist attacks with the detonation of residential areas in order to turn temporarily occupied territories into scorched earth, as well as to detonate the ZNPP with the aim of man-made disaster and putting the plant out of order, warns the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

📌 Due to russia's military aggression, by the end of 2023, more than half of Ukrainians may officially be considered poor (that is, incomes will not exceed $2.15 per day).

📌 Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the russian federation, Medvedev, stated that strikes on Ukraine's energy system will continue until Kyiv recognizes "the legitimacy of russia's demands within the framework of the special military operation and its results reflected in our Constitution" (that is, until Ukraine agrees to recognize the annexed territories as part of russia).

📌 The Institute for the Study of War analyzed putin's Valdai speech. Analysts believe that it is incompatible with any negotiations, and putin's goal has remained unchanged — to destroy Ukraine.

Life amid war

📌 In Kyiv, more than 40 streets, alleys, and squares were renamed, the names of which were associated with russia and the Soviet past.

📌 ​​Kyivstar restores communication in the liberated territory of the Donetsk and Kharkiv regions. In the liberated settlements of Hostre and Kurakhivka of the Donetsk region, as well as in Kindrashivka, Borova, and Vilcha of the Kharkiv region, mobile communication, and the Internet are already working.

📌 During power outages, the number of road accidents involving pedestrians increased significantly. The Verkhovna Rada registered a draft law proposing to fine pedestrians for not using reflective elements on the street in the dark.

📌 33 clerics of the moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine are suspected of cooperation with the russian occupiers — from agents of gathering deep information to "adjusters in cassocks."


Foreign partners' support

💡 The USA will respond in the event of russian strikes on commercial satellites, promised the US National Security Council representative, Kirby.

💡 The Pentagon is preparing a new military aid package worth $275 million for Ukraine. US aid will be mainly aimed at replenishing ammunition stocks.

💡 In Ukraine, now is the biggest escalation since the beginning of the war with the russian federation, said NATO Secretary General. In this situation, the West should increase support, Stoltenberg believes.

💡 Lithuania sent equipment worth almost 100,000 euros to Ukraine to repair damaged russian electrical substations and gas pipelines.

💡 At Ukraine's request, the IAEA will inspect two facilities that, according to russia, are connected to the possible production of "dirty bombs."

💡 Norway introduced a new package of sanctions against 30 russian officials and 7 legal entities.

💡 In Ukraine, a test of electricity import from Europe was conducted — the first test delivery of 1 MW from Slovakia was carried out. Against the background of russian shelling and damage to energy facilities in Ukraine, before the heating season, the possibility of supplying electricity from European countries in case of a shortage is being checked.

💡 Kyiv received new air defense equipment to protect against kamikaze drones and missiles.

💡 Moral support is also important. The Netherlands sends 120,000 tulip bulbs to Ukraine. Flower bulbs have already been delivered to Lviv and Kyiv. They will be dropped off in the central squares of the cities. In the Netherlands, they hope that the tulips that will bloom in the spring will congratulate the Ukrainians on their victory.


💡 Soon, another 20 Warmate attack drones will enter service in the Armed Forces – they are already going to the front. This is the second batch of drones purchased for donations from Ukrainians through UNITED24.

💡 Superhumans prosthetics clinic is being created in the Lviv region. There, adults and children will be given prosthetics, surgical operations will be performed to reconstruct and restore mutilated parts of the body or face, and post-traumatic stress disorder will be treated. Specialists from the USA and the EU will be involved in the work at the center.

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💡 Vinnytsia teachers make more than two kilometers of camouflage nets per month. They work on the basis of one of the city lyceums. They weave nets from synthetic fabric using a technology they invented themselves, says the director of the lyceum, Anna Romanova. They also make kikimora for the military.

💡 In Zhytomyr, the project "Together. Social services" was launched for families of resettlers. Families are helped to adapt after being forced to move, and children are helped to develop their creative abilities. Also, Zhytomyr volunteers organized an autumn camp for children from families of forced migrants – they hold master classes and sessions with a psychologist.

💡 Medical and psychological assistance, which has been working at the Main Railway Station in Lviv since the first days of the war, is looking for new volunteers. Volunteers meet evacuation trains, inform people where to stay, how to get IDP status for social benefits, and provide first medical and psychological aid. If you are ready to help, fill out the questionnaire.


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