What's Happening 11:30 10 Mar 2022

Timeline: day 15 of Ukraine's defense against Russian aggression (UPDATING)

Today, March 10, is the fifteenth day of Russia's military attack on Ukraine. We're telling about all the current news. The article will be constantly updated.

What is today?

Key points.

More than 12,000 Russian servicemen have already been killed in Ukraine!

Enemy losses in the war against Ukraine as of the morning of March 10:

Хроніка подій: п'ятнадцятий день оборони України від російської агресії

Operational information of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as of 06.00 on March 10, 2022:

  • The Defense Forces of Ukraine continue to hold back the offensive of the Russian Armed Forces in Donetsk, Slobozhanske, and parts of the Tavria operational districts. They defend the Ukrainian cities of Kharkiv and Okhtyrka. The major efforts are focused on preventing the enemy from advancing in the south-eastern direction. The circular defense of the city of Mariupol continues.
  • At the same time, the state border with the Republic of Belarus continues to be covered.
  • In the Sivershchyna region, Ukrainian defenders are defending the city of Chernihiv.
  • The group of forces and means of defense of the city of Kyiv is constantly ready to repel the enemy's offensive.
  • In the southern direction, the enemy is held back in the directions of the cities of Kryvyi Rih, Mykolaiv, Voznesensk, and the settlement of Novovorontsovka (Kherson region).

The Russian fascist invasion is creeping away from Odesa: "Russian warships have relocated to Crimea. This means that they don't intend to land on the coast of the Odesa region yet," said Serhii Bratchuk, a representative of the Operational Headquarters of the Odesa Regional Military Administration.

The Head of the Office of the President, Andrii Yermak, admits that the president's office didn't believe in the possibility of war: "You know, we didn't believe until the last minute that it would happen, to be honest. You know that there was a lot of information from our partners, etc. But we did not believe it." This is practically a recognition of the state leadership's unpreparedness for military developments.

Meanwhile, in two weeks, Russia has fired 710 missiles at Ukraine! This data is from the Pentagon.

15:00 – Russian occupiers invaded Ukraine's gas transmission system! There is a threat to gas transportation in Ukraine and Europe.

Zelenskyy talked with Olaf Scholz.

Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, close to the Russian president, will meet with Putin in Moscow on Thursday. A breakthrough in our favor from this meeting is unlikely. After all, Schroeder, who is a personal friend of the Russian president, although he had previously criticized Putin's war in Ukraine, said that "both sides have made mistakes." He said NATO had expanded too far east since the end of the Cold War, provoking the Kremlin. The statement itself is strange because NATO has not expanded at the expense of Ukraine.

For The Hague: Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine obtained a list of war criminals among riot police of the Russian National Guard in the Nizhny Novgorod Oblast. They take part in punitive operations against civilians in the territories of Ukraine, temporarily occupied by the enemy.

Our soldiers shot down another enemy SU-25 aircraft. Glory to the Armed Forces!

We are all together with our army: Ukrainians have already raised 120 million for its needs through the Diia app. "92 helmets, 107 tablets for artillery and UAV operators, more than 50 walkie-talkies, one and a half dozen units of night optics, more than 20 quadcopters, 12 computers and laptops, 4 sapper bags and 29 sets of thermal underwear. Only yesterday, March 9, the assistance was passed to one of the regional offices of Come Back Alive for our military," said the Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov.

In total, 92% of Ukrainians believe that Ukraine will be able to repel Russia's attack; it is the result of a poll by the Rating sociological group. Yes, we will win. Don't even doubt it!

Russia has already begun to guess. Bellingcat investigative journalist Christo Grozev said in an interview that the killer country will try to freeze the war in Ukraine in 7-10 days. "It's difficult to name the end because it will most likely not be a fragmentary end; for instance, today the war ends. I'm afraid there will be a period when it won't be clear whether the war has ended or not, but there'll be no more bloodshed."

Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov is more radical: "Ukraine will accept Russia's surrender with understanding," he wrote on his Facebook page.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy believes that Russian President Putin is bluffing when he threatens the world with nuclear weapons.

 "I think it's a bluff. It's one thing to be a murderer. It's another to be a suicide. Any use of nuclear weapons will mean the end not only for the person who uses them. But for everything that can be dear in life for this person," Zelenskyy said.

In addition, today Zelensky instructed the Cabinet to develop a recovery program for each city affected by the war: "After its implementation, Chernihiv, Sumy, Okhtyrka, Zhytomyr, Izium, Mariupol and other Ukrainian cities will not see even a trace of the Russian invasion."

Talks in Turkey

Хроніка подій: п'ятнадцятий день оборони України від російської агресії

10:30 – Trilateral talks between the Foreign Ministers of Ukraine, Russia, and Turkey have started in Turkey. We hope for a firm position of our representatives.

12:00 – Lavrov called for trilateral consultations on nuclear safety, said Kuleba.

12:20 – Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and Russia Dmytro Kuleba and Sergei Lavrov discussed a ceasefire and a 24-hour ceasefire, but made no progress.

According to our minister, Lavrov should discuss with the Russian authorities the provision of a humanitarian corridor in Mariupol, which has been disrupted several times.

Lavrov: "Rumors about Russia's attack on the Baltics and Poland look like old fakes"

Yeah, that's what they said about not attacking Ukraine. He, with his phrase "We did not attack Ukraine," is a clear example of the dehumanization of Putin's Russian leadership. These are no longer people, no doubt.

Lavrov also said at a press conference in Antalya, after talks with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, that the bombing of a hospital and maternity hospital in Mariupol was a conscious and purposeful decision of the Russian army. Lavrov stressed that he considers this maternity hospital a military target.

They are afraid to fight with Ukrainian men, so they decided to attack women with children? We believe that no distortion of facts should absolve these beasts from responsibility.

Humanitarian corridors

As of March 10, Ukraine is preparing six humanitarian corridors for the enemy cities of Ukraine to evacuate the population and deliver humanitarian goods. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated this in his video address. These are the following cities:

  • Mariupol,
  • Izium,
  • Volnovakha,
  • Sumy
  • Enerhodar
  • Bucha, Irpin, Hostomel

Yesterday, March 9, more than 35,000 people were rescued through humanitarian corridors from Sumy, Enerhodar, and the cities of the Kyiv region.

At 9:00 am on March 10, humanitarian corridors started operating in Ukraine along the routes: Trostianets – Poltava; Krasnopillia – Poltava; Sumy – Poltava; Mariupol – Zaporizhzhia; Volnovakha – Pokrovsk; Izium – Lozova; Bucha, Borodianka, Irpin – Kyiv. This was announced by the Minister of Reintegration Iryna Vereshchuk.

10:00 – according to the Trostianets City Council, the first convoy from Trostianets, which was moving towards Sumy, was returned.

There is no "green corridor" in Konotop yet. Preliminarily they're creating lists for evacuation. People who plan to leave the city must come to the city council with documents on March 10. Both lists of people who have their own transport and those who are not provided with transport are being formed, Tetiana Sizon, Head of the Konotop District Military Administration, informs.

12:00 – Ukraine has proposed a humanitarian corridor to and from Mariupol and a ceasefire for at least 24 hours to address the humanitarian problems of civilians. The Russian side did not agree. I am ready to continue negotiations, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs Kuleba.

15:00 – The situation in the humanitarian corridors with a number of cities has gained positive momentum. The buses have already left. Trucks are already on the road: with food, water, medicine. Mariupol, Volnovakha, Izium, Sumy and region, cities and towns of Kyiv region: Bucha, Borodianka, Irpin, Hostomel.

There are also positive events with the evacuation, in particular: 44 evacuation buses with about 2,000 people left Izium. For the evacuees, further logistics in Dnipro is provided at their request. Humanitarian cargo with food and basic necessities was also delivered.

16:00 – Sumy: 36 buses arrived for evacuation. The evacuation will also be carried out by Sumy carriers, drivers have offered their vehicles.

Bucha, Irpin, and Hostomel: the situation has improved, but it is uncertain, now it is possible to evacuate some people.

Humanitarian aid has arrived in Enerhodar, our journalist from the scene reports. The mayor also said that people who want to evacuate by private transport can join the Red Cross convoy at 5 p.m. It is not possible to organize buses now.

16:30 – The mayor of Enerhodar Dmytro Orlov reported that evacuation on private transport is canceled today. "Today the evacuation on private transport is canceled and postponed to tomorrow! The convoy will be formed on March 11, from 10:00 on Kurchatova Street!" Orlov said.

Iryna Vereshchuk: Volnovakha-Pokrovsk, despite Russia's declarations of readiness, the corridor has not opened today.

As before, the most difficult situation is in the Mariupol-Zaporizhzhia section; no one was evacuated, no drop of water was allowed. 300,000 people are held hostage by the enemy.

More than 2,000 people have already been evacuated from Bucha

On March 10, 3,250 cars (17,500 people) and 83 buses (2,510 people) were evacuated from Sumy, Trostianets, and Krasnopillia along the "green corridor." This was reported in the military administration of the Sumy region.

Peaceful atom is under threat

In the morning, the IAEA stopped receiving data from the Zaporizhzhia NPP and the Chornobyl NPP. Both stations are under Russian control.

Ukrenergo is ready to repair the Chornobyl energy supply: they need a green corridor.

But the occupier is not going to allow Ukrainian specialists to the station. After talks with Putin, the self-proclaimed President of Belarus, Lukashenko, instructed Belarusian experts to provide electricity to the Chornobyl nuclear power plant. The station and all its nuclear facilities have been without electricity since March 9; backup generators have been connected there, but they will work for only 48 hours, Hromadske reports.

Ukrenergo called the provocation of the Russian and Belarusian media aimed at aggravating the situation at the Chornobyl NPP. The company says it doesn't need the help of the Belarusian side in repairing the high-voltage line damaged by Russian shelling that fed the Chornobyl nuclear power plant.

"We need a ceasefire and the passage of our repair crews, who have been waiting for an agreement to leave for repairs since yesterday. We are ready to immediately repair the lines and restore power to the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, which has been without electricity for more than a day. Just stop shelling and allow our repair crews," the company stated.

17:00 – The Russian occupiers, who captured the Zaporizhzhia NPP, mined the coast of the Kakhovka Reservoir, which borders the nuclear power plant, Energoatom reported.

In the evening, Energoatom of Ukraine stated that the reports of the Belarusian and Russian media about the resumption of energy supply to the nuclear power plant were fake.

Who's coming to Ukraine? 

About financial aid, weapons, and volunteer fighters

The world doesn't spare money for Ukraine. The International Monetary Fund has approved $1.4 billion in emergency financing for Ukraine.

The US House of Representatives has approved a government funding package for the current fiscal year. It includes, in particular, $13.6 billion in aid to Ukraine. These funds will be used for humanitarian, military, and economic assistance to Ukraine. The package in support of Ukraine is the largest to date, and also includes the cost of strengthening NATO's eastern flank.

Mail carriers will also help: some national postal operators of other countries have announced free address delivery of items to Ukraine. This was reported by the Center to Counter Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. Georgia, Gibraltar, Slovenia, and Romania joined the action. The list of countries from which you can arrange free delivery to Ukraine is updated on the website.

Ukraine has received more than 100 million euros from German businesses and German citizens, Volodymyr Klychko said on the air. Funds and tons of humanitarian aid were raised, in particular, through broadcasts on German television.

The military attaché of the Ukrainian mission to the United States, Major General Borys Kremenetskyi, said that about 100 US citizens had been selected to take part in the war in Ukraine. He said this in an interview with Apnews.

In particular, the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington conducts interviews on Zoom. Veterans of Afghanistan and Iraq are among those willing.

In total, since February 24, at least 6,000 US citizens have applied to the Embassy of Ukraine, expressing a desire to go to war in Ukraine, Global news reports.

Ukraine's accession to the EU

On March 10-11, EU leaders will meet at a summit in Versailles to discuss the EU's military capabilities, sanctions against Russia and Belarus, and aid to Ukraine. On Thursday, the focus will be on Ukraine's application to join the European Union.

The Lithuanian Seimas supported a resolution calling on the EU to grant EU candidate status as soon as possible, as well as to open negotiations on membership in the union. Yesterday, a similar appeal was supported by Poland. The Prime Minister of Croatia has stated the same intentions.

18:00 – The Prime Minister of the Netherlands stated that there is no accelerated procedure for Ukraine's accession to the EU.

French President Macron has said he doesn't consider it realistic to start negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the European Union while the country is at war, Reuters reports.

News from abroad

European Foreign Minister Borrell called on Europeans to turn off the gas in their homes to reduce dependence on those who attacked Ukraine: "We need to cut the umbilical cord that connects our economy with Russia and cut the flow that allows it to accumulate reserves."

"The European Commission intends to develop a new directive aimed at reducing our energy dependence on Russia by two-thirds by the end of 2022," Borrell said in a statement.

The Ministry of Defense of the People's Republic of China said that China would never recognize Taiwan's "independence," this issue is purely an internal affair. Foreign interference is unacceptable.

The United States has transferred the Patriot ADMS to Poland and has already placed it on combat duty near the Ukrainian border. The systems were deployed solely for defense purposes, the Pentagon said.

And the Kyrgyz parliament called for hiring Russians to build Bishkek.

Not about the war. For the first time, a woman has been elected President of Hungary, Katalin Novák, deputy head of Orban's ruling party. Let's see how this will affect the official rhetoric of the country.

The Estonian Foreign Ministry has stated that their country is suspending the issuance of tourist visas to Russian citizens.

Poland. A mural condemning Putin's war against Ukraine has appeared in Gdansk, depicting Putin between dictators Hitler and Stalin.

US President Biden has said he has held talks with Turkish President Erdogan to agree on the position about Russia's attack on Ukraine.

To recap, Turkey has not joined the tough sanctions against Moscow.

But we also have real friends. From now on, the street where the Russian Embassy in Vilnius is located has not only a new name but also a new sign:

Before the summit of EU leaders in Versailles, French President Emmanuel Macron called the demands of Russian President Putin to end the war in Ukraine unacceptable. According to him, today the question is whether Putin is ready to hold open talks and offer something.

2-3: 00 – Wow! Turkish Foreign Minister Çavuşoğlu has said Putin is not opposed to direct talks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Russian lies don't tire

Zakharova called women in the maternity hospital in Mariupol national battalions, and places for the birth of children, firing positions. It happened 4 hours before the tragic bombing of the Mariupol maternity hospital by the Russian fascists. From this, we can say that non-humans knew that they were striking the maternity hospital.

A new fake from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: Ukrainian bio laboratories experimented with coronavirus. The Russian leadership also liked this lie: Shoigu said that the Russian fascist army was hindered by "coronavirus restrictions" from advancing through Ukraine. Our Armed Forces haven't been called that yet.

Fake about biological weapons is overgrown with new details. Russia's Defense Ministry is spreading a new lie about the alleged development of biological weapons in Ukraine to distribute them in Russia through bats and migratory birds. According to the occupiers, they allegedly caught infected birds released from the Kherson Reserve in Ivanovo and Voronezh oblasts (by the way, such a reserve has never existed in Ukraine). Yes, the "bird virus" is us too.

Due to the influx of new fakes about "Ukrainian biological weapons," Minister of Health Viktor Liashko turned to the WHO as partners who are well acquainted with the system of biosafety and epidemiological surveillance in Ukraine. He asks them to make an official statement about the absence of development of biological weapons in Ukraine and the inadmissibility of Russian propaganda, which spreads another absurd lie.

More great and various sanctions!

Britain has imposed new sanctions on seven Russian oligarchs, including Roman Abramovich and Oleg Deripaska. In addition, the oligarchs are prohibited from crossing the border by any Russian aircraft, otherwise, the British authorities may confiscate the aircraft.

YouTube has disabled all monetization features for Russian audiences. That is, from the views in Russia now advertising doesn't come.

As of today, Visa and Mastercard will stop servicing Russian cards abroad and in foreign online stores: in particular, Russians will no longer be able to pay in Apple and Google app stores.

The American company Caterpillar Inc, one of the world's largest manufacturers of construction and mining equipment, is also leaving Russia.

Crocs also left Russia. 

Western Union money transfer service has announced that it is suspending operations in Russia and Belarus.

And in France, the authorities confiscated the yacht Amore Vero, which, according to them, probably belongs to the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin. Reuters reported this, citing French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire. In his Twitter, the minister posted copies of documents stating that the yacht was detained at a shipyard in the French city of La Ciotat in the Mediterranean. Interestingly, the press release stated that the yacht was supposed to stay at the shipyard until April 1, but on March 3, in the middle of the night, it was going to an emergency exit to the sea. She didn't make it.

Several Japanese companies stop supplying products to Russia. Among them: Panasonic, Tadano Ltd, Yamaha Motor Co, Komatsu Ltd, Hitachi Construction Machinery Co. This was reported by The Japan News.

Finally, Burger King woke up. The company said it was suspending corporate support for the Russian market, including marketing and supply chain support.

Ukraine has prepared personal sanctions against Russian propagandists, the Ministry of Culture reports. This list includes Dmitry Kiselyov, Margarita Simonyan, Olga Skabeeva, Vladimir Solovyov, Tina Kandelaki.

The first large bank on Wall Street is leaving Russia. It is Goldman Sachs, the world's second-largest investment bank with $2.1 trillion in assets under management.

The Google Cloud service has also ceased operations in Russia and no longer registers users there.

What's happening in Russia?

A little further, and the joke "you're banned in Google" will become a reality for Russians: Google restricts the work of Google Play in Russia. Now only free programs can be downloaded there.

At the opening of trading on the Moscow Stock Exchange, the dollar renewed its historical maximum, more than 121 rubles. And we admire the long queues at ATMs in Moscow:

Хроніка подій: п'ятнадцятий день оборони України від російської агресії

The downed enemy pilots' parachutes don't open en masse. This sudden epidemic may indicate that parachutes are being incorrectly laid for pilots so that they cannot be captured and testify about their superiors and their criminal orders.

The lowlife country, losing its military aircraft, simultaneously stole 180 passenger planes from the owner companies: they were transferred to the Russian register, including the planes of Aeroflot, Pobeda, and Utair, Rosaviatsia reports.

But it seems that they themselves don't believe that they will be able to take advantage of the stolen: right now at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport, the entire Terminal D is being closed "amid the situation in the aviation industry."

However, Ural Airlines has already reported that it will be able to continue flights for only two months without stopping the fleet and dismantling aircraft for spare parts.

At the same time, individuals began selling their planes. So far, brokers have received information about 11 aircraft that are already on sale. All of them regularly flew between the European Union and Russia before the Russian military aggression and the imposition of sanctions. Most of the planes belong to the Russian charter operator Sirius Aero, which is owned by businessman Nikolai Ulanov.

Also, Russia was going to "nationalize" about 60 companies that left the Russian market. Among them: McDonald's, IKEA, Apple, Volkswagen, Microsoft, Toyota. (The list can be expanded). White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki has already said that the US government will take immediate action.

And the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia proposed to ban exports to the "unfriendly countries" of the following items: birch balances, plywood logs, wood chips. Somewhere in America, Elon Musk cried. And no, he's laughing out loud.

Anonymous hacked and leaked the Roskomnadzor database, which is responsible for monitoring, controlling, and censoring Russian media. More than 360,000 files have been released.

Imagine, after the closure of the McDonald's network in Russia, it turned out that there are almost no public toilets in Moscow. Now from there, it will stink not only figuratively.

What can be heard from Belarus?

Tomorrow, Lukashenko will meet with Putin in Moscow to discuss bilateral relations, the development of allied cooperation, and economic cooperation under sanctions. "Cockroach" is a step away from the abyss, but there is still a chance to escape.

Life considering hostilities

Have you seen enemy equipment or Russian soldiers? Report this via chat is YeVoroh. All information will be passed to the Armed Forces.

The Ministry of Digital Transformation team has created a chatbot in Telegram: https://t.me/evorog_bot, with which Ukrainians can report the movement of the occupier. The major difference from other bots is authorization through the Diia application. This is necessary to gather better information so that saboteurs cannot spam fake photos or videos.

So confirm with your smartphone that you are an authorized user of Diia. Then tell the bot exactly what and where you saw the equipment or the occupier, and send the exact geolocation of their location and photos/videos.

The United Kingdom is introducing electronic visas for Ukrainians. It will be possible to apply for British visas online from March 15. The answer will come by e-mail. If the visa is opened, Ukrainians can come to England and compile biometric data on the spot, they will be stamped with an entry stamp in their passports.

As of 11 a.m. on March 10, 2022, since the beginning of the enemy invasion in Ukraine, 71 children have died and more than 100 children have been injured. This was announced by Liudmyla Denisova, Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights.

15:00 – Zelenskyy signed a law on the forcible seizure of property rights of Russia and its residents in Ukraine. His owners will not receive any compensation for the confiscated property due to the significant damage caused by the war started by their country.

Minister of Health Viktor Liashko said that the occupiers fired on 63 Ukrainian hospitals. "Unfortunately, as a result of these shellings, we lost up to 5 medical workers. More than 10 seriously injured who cannot work."

Ukraine suffered $100 billion in losses during the war. About 50% of enterprises stopped completely. This assessment was given by the President's Adviser on Economic Affairs Oleh Ustenko.

The Ministry of Health is launching a single number for remote medical consultations. You can get remote consultations of specialized doctors at 0 800-60-20-19. You need to dial the number, tell the operator about the problem and wait for a connection to a specialist.

Uklon has launched a new class of trips, Evacuation. It gives users the opportunity to find a driver to move between the cities of Ukraine.

Another illustrative Rating poll: the majority of Ukrainian parishioners, 63%, support the idea of severing ties between the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate and the Russian Orthodox Church.


At night, the Armed Forces carried out a counterattack near Kyiv. The adviser to the Interior Minister said on the national air: "The night was quite difficult. But we can say that the Ukrainian army counterattacked near Kyiv. We hit five tanks. In the morning artillery battles," Vadym Denysenko said.

Хроніка подій: п'ятнадцятий день оборони України від російської агресії

The result of the wonderful work of Ukrainian heroes in the Brovary district.

The commander of the occupier's regiment, Colonel Zakharov, has also been eliminated, according to the Defense Ministry's Main Intelligence Directorate.

Klychko said that there are now less than 2 million people in Kyiv. According to him, every second person left the city.

Important!: Ivankiv, Kyiv region, Chornobyl direction.

The distribution of "humanitarian aid" by the occupiers began. The Russian military organized a performance for Russian television in the center of the village on the square. In the Russian TV story, they allegedly "communicate nicely" with locals in the center of the village near a food truck. In fact, the footage shows that only a few people came for "help." The video includes a list of only 13 people. Although more than ten thousand people live in the village alone. Most likely, these are "actors" who played on the camera of Russian propaganda. Local people don't recognize these actors, and their speech is significantly different from Ivankiv surzhyk.

The Coca-Cola plant, located near the village of Velyka Dymerka in the Kyiv region, came under enemy fire.

The Armed Forces kick the occupier's ass! In the battle near Brovary, Ukrainian units defeated the occupiers. Our defenders took away Russian armored vehicles.

And in the photo below, there's the village of HoHoliv, near Brovary. This morning, orcs shelled the village from 3 a.m. to 6 p.m. Two missiles flew from the horde. Fortunately, no one was killed and one little girl was injured.

However, you never know what will save you from danger. For the people of Irpin, the destroyed bridge became a link between the orc siege and rescue.

For several days, the Ukrainian military, volunteers, and just people with cars have been helping evacuate residents of Irpin and other Kyiv region cities through paved slabs under the destroyed bridge. According to the link, an exclusive photo report by a Rubryka journalist from the rescue bridge.


As a result of the shelling of the village of Slobozhanske in the Kharkiv region, the shell hit a private house. Two women and two children died under the rubble. Another 5-year-old girl managed to survive. She is in hospital.

15:00 – Izium: About 2,000 people are being evacuated from the city. Humanitarian cargo with food and basic necessities was also delivered there.

The Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine reports that Russian military and armed groups of the Luhansk People's Republic have tried to enter the territory of the Novopskov compressor stations in the Luhansk region and Kupiansk in the Kharkiv region. "The company emphasizes that interference in the technological processes of the GTS poses significant risks to the safety of continuous gas transportation to consumers in Ukraine and Europe, and could lead to a technological catastrophe in the region," the statement said.

Important!: The Russian occupiers are seriously considering the possibility of blowing up ammonia warehouses in the Kharkiv region to accuse the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the SBU reports. According to the intelligence service, the enemy is thinking of other options for provocations. The terrorist state produces fakes to justify its atrocities and accuse Ukraine of them, the SBU reminds.

If this really happens, the Ministry of Health has created instructions for providing first aid to poisoned people. We hope we will not need it, but it is necessary to know about such measures during the war:

19:00 – In order to save water in Kharkiv, hot water was temporarily turned off. The whole resource is for heat conservation, Kharkiv City Council reports.

In Kharkiv, the Russian army has already destroyed 400 houses, said Mayor Ihor Terekhov.

23:00 – In Kharkiv, as a result of shelling, the Institute of Physics and Technology is on fire! There is an experimental nuclear reactor. The shelling also started a fire in a nearby dormitory. The shelling continues.

The invaders issued an ultimatum to the Mayor of Izium demanding that their vehicles pass unhindered in the direction of Kharkiv, to which he refused.

Donetsk region

As a result of yesterday's airstrike on the children's hospital and maternity hospital in Mariupol, there are victims: three people died, including one child, according to the SES. Yesterday there was information that 17 people were injured.

Хроніка подій: п'ятнадцятий день оборони України від російської агресії

маріуполь роддом

12:20 – Right now in Mariupol, there is an air attack by the Russian occupiers!

Bombs hit homes. There are hits in the building of the Azov State Technical University in the city center. The bombing in the area of ​​the Drama Theater was also recorded. Information about the victims is being clarified. This is already becoming a bad tradition. As soon as negotiations begin, the Russian fascists are purposefully intensifying their attacks on civilians!

12:30 – Mariupol is completely blocked for humanitarian aid. For the fourth day, there is no possibility to deliver water and medicine. The situation is slightly better in the Kyiv direction. "Therefore, people, if you hear information that the evacuation has begun, go quickly," warned the head of the Ministry of Reintegration Iryna Vereshchuk during the UA telethon together.

There are also problems with gas. Currently, due to the shelling of the occupiers, 15,000 Ukrainians have been left without gas in the Donetsk region (there is no gas in 13 settlements).

Despite all the horrors, Mariupol continues to live. Since yesterday, 24 babies have been born in the city. May there never be another war in the lives of the new little Mariupol residents. Hold on, Mariupol! Ukraine will win!

In the evening, the occupiers cut off a gas pipeline in the Donetsk region, near Svitlodarsk. Currently, gas companies are trying to fix it.

Sumy region

At night in Okhtyrka in the Sumy region, Russian military aircraft dropped bombs on a residential area.

Zhytomyr region

Consequences of the airstrike of Russian troops in Zhytomyr on March 9. In the photo, the house of a local elderly woman is completely destroyed. The neighboring house was also damaged.

Хроніка подій: п'ятнадцятий день оборони України від російської агресії

Consequences of the airstrike of Russian troops in Zhytomyr on March 9. In the photo, the house of a local elderly woman is completely destroyed. The neighboring house was also damaged.

Kherson region

On the morning of March 10, an enemy shell hit the building of a psychiatric hospital in the village of Stepanivka near Kherson. Eyewitnesses report about it. According to Kherson Mayor Ihor Kolikhaiev, there are no victims. The village was left without electricity.

In the suburbs of Kherson, in Naddniprianske, the occupiers trashed the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine.


The armed Russian occupiers broke into the house of Leila Ibragimova, a deputy of the Zaporizhzhia regional council, and took her to an unknown location. It is still unknown in what condition the woman is and where she is.

15:00 – occupiers released the kidnapped deputy of the Zaporizhzhia regional council, Leila Ibragimova, in the morning on March 10. She is already at home, but there is no connection with her.

Chernihiv region

In the Chernihiv region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed the division of ballistic operational and tactical missile systems Iskander-M, said the Pivnich operational command.

Our armed forces liberated the village of Baklanova Muraviika from the occupiers. They also pushed back the Russians in the Polissia, Siverskyi, and Volyn directions. Keep it up!

23:00 – The occupiers fired at Nizhyn from the Uragan rocket launchers. Two people were killed and eight were injured.

Mykolaiv and region

The Ukrainian military won an important trophy, a Russian military navigator. It belonged to the "elite" 108th Airborne Assault Regiment, which tried to attack Mykolaiv from Kostiantynivka. Now, in the hands of our special services, there are the plans of the Russian occupiers, which will act in advance and more effectively destroy the enemy!

15:00 – The Head of the Mykolaiv Regional Military Administration addressed the Russian occupiers. "For Russians who did not shoot or commit crimes against civilians, those who want to live, I will organize a hotline with instructions on where to call. This does not apply to gunners and rocket launchers. You guys have no options. You either run away or go to the ground," Kim said.

Also, Kim told that the Russian troops now stand between the Kherson and Mykolaiv regions. They cannot attack, they are afraid to retreat because their own people shoot those who retreat. That's the "Russian world."

Patrols of the Mykolaiv Regional Guard in the area of ​​Matviivka detained a man who was launching a drone, and our Ukrainian positions were outlined on the maps.

The detainee was handed over to the police for further decisions.

Collaborators are no better than enemies.

Aviation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine broke a column of supply of occupiers which went from the Kherson region to Mykolaiv.


The SBU exposed a resident of the so-called "DPR" who was spying for the occupier and publicly declaring support for Russia's aggression. At the beginning of the invasion, he recorded a video for a Russian TV channel. After that, he began to leak information to the enemy about the location of the Ukrainian military in Kharkiv. They were later shelled. The Russian informant tried to overturn in Uzhhorod and waited for further instructions from the enemy, but was captured by the SBU.

In total, 5 Russian agents were caught in Ukraine during the day. Among them are both citizens of Ukraine who betrayed the state and citizens of Russia. Spies were found in Kyiv, Dnipro, Zakarpattia, Kharkiv, and Donetsk regions.

Lviv and region

The number of checkpoints in the Lviv region will be reduced by more than 5 times, said the Head of the Lviv Regional Military Administration Maksym Kozytskyi.

Since the beginning of the Russian aggression, 544 checkpoints have been set up in the region. Most of them are built arbitrarily and hinder the movement of emergency services and humanitarian goods rather than help with something. The number of checkpoints will be reduced to 100, and some more will be turned into observation posts.

Dnipropetrovsk region

In Lozovatka, Kryvyi Rih district, Dnipropetrovsk region, two missiles hit the airport. This was stated by the head of the military administration, Oleksandr Vilkul.

The invaders dropped 6 bombs on Slobozhanske, where there were never any military facilities. At least five people were killed in the attack. Garbage continues to cynically kill Ukrainians and destroy everything they see.


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