14:58 16 Apr 2024

Solutions to win: Ukraine launches Demining Corps with 5,000 trained specialists

Clearing landmines in the field. Approximately 100,000 hectares have been cleared in the Kherson region, but this accounts for only 15% of the total area. The photo is for illustrative purposes. Source: vikna.tv

The Demining Corps was established in Ukraine, and 5,000 specialists were recruited to carry out tasks in the formerly occupied territories.

Ruslan Berehulia, the head of the Ministry of Defense's Main Department of Mine Action, said this during a briefing at the Military Media Center.

What is the problem?

Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and active hostilities, Ukraine is contaminated with explosive objects. Some analysts call Ukraine the most mined country in the world.

Ever since Russia launched a full-scale invasion, the amount of Ukrainian land affected by mines and explosive objects has grown to 174,000 square kilometers. Over 5 million Ukrainians currently reside in these areas.

According to the State Emergency Service data, the Kyiv, Sumy, Chernihiv, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhzhia, Kharkiv, Kherson, and Donetsk regions are the most mined. Clearing these areas will take at least 10 years.

In late February 2024, Serhii Reva, the director of the humanitarian demining division of the State Emergency Service, announced that the demining experts had successfully reduced the potentially contaminated area by 18,000 square kilometers. This brings the current total to 156,000 square kilometers, which accounts for approximately 25% of the state's total area.

What is the solution?

The Demining Corps was formed in Ukraine, with 5,000 specialists recruited to carry out duties in the previously occupied areas.

How does it work?

"A group of skilled deminers has been officially established. So far, the Ministry of Defense and the Ukrainian armed forces have contributed to the organization, which will handle demining operations in formerly occupied areas. Currently, there are 1,000 demining groups in operation," Berehulia said.

As he noted, these units are already working in the Mykolaiv, Kherson, and Kharkiv regions today.

However, in his opinion, there is still an issue there is a shortage of automobiles, specialized equipment, and machinery.

"We are collaborating with our international counterparts who have joined the demining alliance. Our joint efforts will likely result in logistical support soon, which will complement the existing units within the demining brigade," Berehulia said.

For reference:

It should be noted that the third model of the domestic demining machine, which is not inferior to the best Western analogs, was presented in Ukraine.

In addition, a DOK-ING MV-4 light demining machine, assembled and partially localized in Ukraine, was recently tested at the training ground.

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