13:58 22 Feb 2024

"Match to the best Western analogs": Ukrainian engineers introduce new demining machine

Photo: Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

Ukraine welcomed the third model of a domestically-developed demining machine, which is on par with the best Western counterparts, according to the Ministry of Economy.

The ministry's representative attended the machine presentation at one of the testing grounds, Rubryka reports.

What's the problem?

Due to Russian aggression against Ukraine and active combat, the war-torn country is contaminated with explosive hazards. Some analysts consider Ukraine the most mine-contaminated country in the world.

In September, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal stated that about 174,000 square kilometers of land in Ukraine remains potentially mine-contaminated. He emphasized that this vast territory could take decades to clear. However, Ukraine's goal is to accomplish this in the coming years.

Currently, Ukraine has 3,500 demining specialists, but this is insufficient. There is a particularly acute shortage of specialized equipment for clearing land from explosive devices, especially mines buried deep under a thick layer of soil.

What's the solution?

A new demining machine results from joint work between the Ukrainian company "efarm pro" and agricultural machinery manufacturers from Sumy.

The ministry emphasized that the new Ukrainian demining machine is in no way inferior to the best Western models in terms of characteristics.

Deputy Minister of Economy Ihor Bezkaravainyi explained that the Ukrainian machine is based on the chassis of the T-156 tractor and is capable of clearing 5,000 square meters of land per hour, which is roughly the same as the Croatian DOK-ING MV-10.

The Ukrainian development also demonstrated a very high density of land processing; the distance between the strips processed by the machine's working mechanism is only 2 centimeters.


Photo: Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

How does it work?

Certification of the machine and the launch of serial production are ahead.

"The equipment was developed jointly with manufacturers, so there are already enough capacities for the production and, if necessary, repair of machines. Considering the demand for demining machines, the equipment will be supported," said the deputy economy minister.

The company "efarm pro" developed the technology together with manufacturers, so there is no need to search for additional capacities to produce and repair machines. Bezkaravainyi added that the demand for equipment would be met.

"We pay great attention to supporting domestic inventors and manufacturers working in the field of mine action. Establishing necessary equipment and machinery production in Ukraine will meet operators' needs faster and cheaper. This also creates new jobs and income for the budget," said Minister of Economy Yulia Svyrydenko.

The acceleration program for Ukrainian entrepreneurs with innovative solutions in humanitarian demining continues its work.

Developers wishing to participate in the program can submit an application here on the program's website.


In August 2023, the first machine developed by specialists from Kharkiv was certified in Ukraine. This allowed the country to establish its production and its use for demining territories. The equipment is capable of effectively neutralizing anti-personnel mines and detecting anti-tank mines.

In October of the same year, it became known that an autonomous demining drone ST1, which could significantly speed up and make the demining process safer, was being tested in Ukraine. On average, it works four times faster than a person.

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