13:40 16 Apr 2024

"It is cheaper to buy a Patriot than to restore a TPP targeted by Russia" – Borrell

Josep Borrell. Photo: Kristin Olsson/TT News Agency via Reuters

It's more cost-effective to purchase American Patriot systems instead of rebuilding a thermal power plant that was destroyed by a Russian missile.

According to La Monde, the head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell, stated this.

The top European diplomat was asked whether France could do more for Ukraine than Germany. Borrell replied that everyone could do more to fulfill European obligations.

"My role is not to point the finger at one or another country but to develop a common position. The total number is important to me, but I fully understand that this amount consists of very different concepts," Borrell said.

Borrell stressed that the problem is not time but quantity.

"A year from now, it may be too late. Before talking about restoring Ukraine, we must avoid its destruction. It is cheaper to buy Patriot systems than to restore the power plant targeted by the Russians," said the head of EU diplomacy.

It is worth noting that in his new book, "Europe Between Two Wars," the head of European diplomacy writes that the European Union needs a "paradigm change in European defense."

"We have delegated our security to the US for too long, and over the past 30 years, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, we have allowed quiet disarmament," Borrell emphasized.

He noted that the common market and trade made it possible to establish a strong peace between the states that are part of the EU, but these tools are no longer sufficient to guarantee external security.

"If Putin succeeds in destroying the independence of Ukraine, he will not stop there. If he wins, despite the obvious support of Ukraine from the Europeans and the US public, it will send a dangerous signal about our ability to stand up for what we believe in," Josep Borrell added.

For reference:

President Zelensky recently emphasized the need for Ukraine to acquire 25 Patriot air defense systems, or their equivalent, to fully secure the country's airspace.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba, also announced that Ukraine has identified 100 Patriots available globally, but Ukraine needs to obtain seven to protect against Russian missiles.

In addition, according to the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Ukraine is ready to lend seven batteries of the Patriot air defense system.

Earlier, Kuleba outlined five priorities for Ukrainian diplomats to focus on in 2024. Strengthening air defense is a key focus for Kyiv this year. Ukraine is seeking to acquire not only the Patriot air defense systems but also the Samp-T systems.

On April 13, Germany announced that it would immediately transfer another Patriot air defense system to Ukraine.

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