16:40 13 Apr 2024

Germany to send additional Patriot system to Ukraine

Illustrative picture / NATO

Germany has announced that it will immediately transfer another Patriot air defense system to Ukraine.

This was reported by the Ministry of Defense of the country, Rubryka writes.

The system is being provided in addition to the air defense systems already deployed and still planned to be deployed to repel Russian air attacks.

"Russian terror against Ukrainian cities and the country's infrastructure causes unheard-of suffering. It endangers the energy supply of the population and destroys industrial facilities important for the combat readiness of the Armed Forces of Ukraine," German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius commented on the decision to transfer the system.

The head of the Bundeswehr assured that Germany "goes as far as possible in view of its own operational readiness" in supporting Ukraine.


Patriot air defense systems for Ukraine

President Zelensky recently emphasized that Ukraine needs 25 Patriot air defense systems or its analogs to completely close the skies above the country.

At the same time, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba, reported that Ukraine has found 100 free Patriots worldwide but first wants to get seven to protect against Russian missiles.

In addition, according to the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Ukraine is even ready to borrow seven batteries of the Patriot air defense system.

It is worth adding that on April 4 in Brussels, during the meeting of the Ukraine-NATO Council at the headquarters of the North Atlantic Alliance, Germany initiated the search for available Patriot air defense systems for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

We will remind that the day before, Kuleba named five priorities that Ukrainian diplomats should work on in 2024. Strengthening air defense is one of Kyiv's priorities this year. Ukraine wants to get not only the Patriot air defense systems but also the Samp-T systems.


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