Photos 20:34 04 Mar 2024

United to win: Polish company has already delivered 100 Oncilla armored vehicles to Ukraine

For the "Ukrainian customer," the Polish company Mista has produced the 100th Oncilla armored car.

Defence24 reports this.

What is the problem?

Armored vehicles are now a noticeable part of the equipment used by power structures and armies in many countries worldwide.

They are used for:

  • border patrol,
  • control of law and order,
  • conducting peacekeeping operations,
  • demining works,
  • direct hostilities,
  • evacuation of the wounded.

Various types, manufacturers, and modifications of armored vehicles have been utilized in nearly every war during the late 20th and early 21st centuries. In this regard, Ukraine is no different and also requires such equipment.

What is the solution?

That is why the Polish company Mista has already produced the 100th Oncilla armored car for the "Ukrainian customer."

How does it work?

Representatives of the Polish defense company said that in 2024, they had already produced a hundred Oncilla armored vehicles for Ukraine, where they take part in combat operations.

During the war, the military and the National Guard utilized these machines.

In addition, they were also used by several units of the Main Directorate of Intelligence.

"We are focused on production, on compliance with clear schedules for the delivery of vehicles to our Ukrainian customers," says Valdemar Wilk, president of the board and general director of the company.

Mista actively cooperates with fighters on the front lines and studies the experience of using equipment on the front lines. According to its representatives, a powerful service network has been developed in Ukraine.

In particular, it is known that the repair crews of the developer of this armored vehicle – KB "Beryl" – are arriving at the front line to restore the equipment.

The company notes several machines were seriously damaged or destroyed during the war. Still, they did not receive confirmation of any losses among the crew during the defeat.

For reference:

Polish developers are also actively working on studying and implementing the experience gained in Ukraine for the development of the next generation of Oncilla II armored vehicles.

"Obviously, we receive much feedback from soldiers who use our equipment during combat operations in Ukraine. This helps us not only refine and improve the already existing product but also plan its further development. That is why our designers are already working on the Oncilla car II. We want this to be our answer to the needs of the front. We want to use all our best experience in mine protection of the car, which we are proud of," says Oleksandr Leshchenko, a member of the Mista board.

The company is reluctant to talk about the promising car. It is known that it will receive a modified body and will be larger and heavier than the current samples.

The company also presented a graphic model of the future prototype.

Obviously, the increase in weight entails the need to strengthen the chassis and replace the 190-horsepower Deutz engine with a more powerful one.

The combat vehicle can also receive a more powerful combat module to replace the current machine gun turret for machine guns of caliber 7.62 and 12.7 mm.

"One of our goals is to equip Oncilla II with a new remote-controlled combat module with a 14.5-mm machine gun," says Oleksiy Huziyev, vice president of the company's board.

A machine gun of this caliber, namely the KPVT, will allow the crew of the machine to fight not only with infantry but also with fortifications and light armored vehicles such as Soviet armored personnel carriers and armored infantry vehicles.

For reference:

It should be noted that the British company Cook Defense Systems to supply Ukrainian armored vehicles with them, mastered the production of Soviet-style tracks.

It was also reported that Ukrainian Armored Vehicles LLC has fully resumed the production of mortars of various calibers and this year alone has already supplied the Ukrainian Armed Forces with more than 600 units.

Earlier, Rubryka wrote that Ukrainian Armored Vehicles resumed serial production of 60-mm mortar rounds and delivered more than 100,000 units to Ukraine's armed forces.

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