14:11 05 Apr 2023

Ukraine resumes mass production of 60mm artillery shells

Photo: Ukrainian Armor

The "Ukrainian Armor" weapon manufacturer has resumed serial production of 60-mm mortar rounds and has already supplied the Armed Forces of Ukraine with more than 100,000 units.

The company's press service reports this on its social media.

What is the problem?

According to the company's executive director, Vladyslav Belbas, the production of 60-mm mortar rounds was stopped with the beginning of a full-scale invasion. During hostilities, part of the company's production facilities was lost, and part of it was occupied.

Ukrainian defenders do not have enough ammunition of various types to destroy the russian onslaught.

What is the solution?

"Ukrainian Armor," using the principles of distributed production, resumed the serial output of ammunition at the relocated sites.

The company has already produced over 100,000 mortar rounds for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Photo: Ukrainian Armor

How does it work?

The manufacturer stresses that it does not produce mines but ready-to-use shots.

A classic post-Soviet model mine consists of a case without an installed cartridge and a detonator, so all its components are already screwed into position.

The mortar shot by Ukrainian Armor is fully equipped with the maximum powder charge and is hermetically packed in an individual tube.

Зброя Постріли 60мм

Photo: Ukrainian Armor

This approach shortens the time the soldiers work at the positions and does not require the gunners to have a higher level of training.

According to the general director of the company, today, this is the only Ukrainian mortar shot produced by the domestic military-industrial complex.

UB60 is a fragmentation shot for a 60-mm mortar, developed and manufactured by the company "Ukrainian Armor."

A mine weighing 1,380 grams can hit targets within a radius of 2,500 meters. The ammunition is suitable for all 60-mm mortars of the NATO standard. Shots are supplied in shipping boxes of 12 units each.


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