13:29 08 Dec 2023

Ukrainian government simplifies access to rehabilitation for people with disabilities

The Ukrainian government has simplified the procedure for providing an early replacement of rehabilitation aids for people with disabilities and certain categories of citizens. 

The permanent representative of the Cabinet of Ministers in the Ukrainian parliament, Verkhovna Rada, Taras Melnychuk, announced the amendment following the government meeting, Rubryka reports.

What's the problem?

Three million people with disabilities currently live in Ukraine, and their number has increased by about 300,000 over the past one-and-a-half years. This rapid growth is a result of Russia's full-scale invasion that, with shelling, brought serious injuries to both soldiers and civilians. Because many Ukrainians sustain serious injuries in hostilities or because of Russian shelling, there is a growing number of requests to the state for support and rehabilitation. The new draft law aims to address this issue.

What's the solution?

The Cabinet of Ministers has simplified the procedure for providing an early replacement of rehabilitation aids for people with disabilities and other specific categories of citizens.

Relevant changes have been made to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated April 5, 2012, No. 321, "On approving the Procedure for providing rehabilitation aids (technical and other rehabilitation means) to persons with disabilities, children with disabilities, and other specific categories of the population and compensating the cost of independently purchased such means, their list."

How does it work?

According to the changes, the procedure for providing people with disabilities and other specific population categories with rehabilitation aids has been simplified by optimizing the list of necessary documents.

The opportunities for people applying for rehabilitation aids have been expanded. Now, people needing support can submit documents through a social worker at a healthcare institution or directly to an employee of the Fund for Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities.

The government has also regulated the issue of early replacement of rehabilitation aids lost due to bombings, airstrikes, and other armed attacks during the Russian armed aggression against Ukraine.

The new bill also defines a procedure for accounting enterprises that supply rehabilitation aids and their document submission to the Fund for Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities.

Earlier, the government expanded the opportunities of the state prosthetics program, allowing soldiers to receive prostheses with increased functionality without the need for primary prosthetics.

As reported, on November 29, changes to the licensing conditions for rehabilitation institutions, departments, and specialists providing rehabilitation services came into effect in Ukraine.

It was also reported that the licensing conditions for psychologists were also changed and became effective in Ukraine.

Rubryka also reported that the government adopted changes to the licensing for economic activities in medical rehabilitation practice.

Rubryka also reported that new standards for treating burns were established in Ukraine.


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