Photo 15:34 08 Nov 2023

Rivne rehabilitation center "Recovery" opens doors to wounded soldiers

Фото: recovery.ua

An innovative rehabilitation center for wounded soldiers "Recovery" has been opened in Rivne, where the multidisciplinary team can provide quality free rehabilitation care for over 1,000 servicemen and women annually.

What is the problem?

During the full-scale war, thousands of wounded soldiers were admitted to hospitals all over Ukraine. They have lost limbs in mine explosions, suffered severe shrapnel wounds, complex burn injuries, concussion, and loss of vision.

According to the Ministry of Health, over 1,800 people were evacuated to foreign clinics from different cities by specialized medical transport to Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, Spain, and Lithuania.

Ukraine does not have enough clinics that would provide full treatment and, most importantly, good-quality rehabilitation to Ukrainian soldiers.

What is the solution?

With the help of charity funds, rehabilitation centers that are as good as those in Europe have begun to open doors over the past year and a half of the all-out war.

The eighth center has been opened in Rivne as part of the all-Ukrainian "Recovery" project, which is an example of a successful partnership between private business and the state when philanthropists create innovative rehabilitation centers on the basis of state medical institutions.

How does it work?

"Recovery" funds were used to renovate the 2nd and 3rd floors of the clinic, where the rehabilitation department is located.

The number of beds in the ward has been increased from 23 to 50.

реабілітація військових

Photo: recovery.ua

The entire space of the rehabilitation center was arranged in accordance with international standards of access to everyone, including spacious corridors with wide doorways and handrails, and sanitary and hygienic areas for patients with limited mobility.

реабілітація військових

Photo: recovery.ua

The wards have multifunctional beds with electric drive and appropriate furniture for a comfortable stay.

The modern rehabilitation center in Rivne, equipped with advanced medical equipment, unites the military and the medical team in a common desire to win. This is a place where faith and hope turn into a real possibility of recovery thanks to the joint efforts of a professional team.

Recovery is an exclusive environment where our soldiers will receive support on their way to an active, healthy life," said Oleksandr Shagera, chief physician of the city hospital where the "Recovery" center is being launched.

реабілітація військових

Photo: recovery.ua

The press service says that the medical and rehabilitation area was equipped with a physiotherapy room,
and two physical rehabilitation rooms equipped with modern virtual reality equipment that provides feedback to the patient.

The center also renovated rooms for occupational therapy, assistive technology, and individual lessons.

Simulators and devices for rehabilitation cover the entire range of functional disorders of patients, including those sustained as a result of mine and gunshot wounds, allowing restoring walking and lost functions of the upper and lower limbs at a high technological level.

A multidisciplinary team of specialists rehabilitates patients at the Rivne Center. Depending on the needs of each wounded soldier, they are treated according to an individual program supported by doctors of physical rehabilitation medicine, physical therapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, speech and language therapists, and other specialists.

In addition to Rivne, the rehabilitation centers of the national "Recovery" network provide free services in Kyiv, Lviv, Vinnytsia, Odesa (two facilities), and Dnipro region (two facilities). Over 4,300 patients have already received rehabilitation assistance in the centers of the national network.

The project founders plan to expand the network to at least 16 innovative rehabilitation centers and 700 beds by the end of 2024.

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