16:22 02 Dec 2023

United to win: Germany trains second group of Ukrainian military on Patriot air defense system

The second group of Ukrainian soldiers underwent training in Germany to work with the Patriot anti-aircraft missile complex.

Deutsche Welle reported this.

The commander of the multinational training command, Lieutenant General Andreas Marlov, made the relevant statement on December 1. 70 Ukrainian soldiers and officers completed the training. The training course lasted more than six weeks at one of the air force bases in Germany. Marlov stated that the competence of personnel has reached a level where Ukrainians can operate this air defense complex effectively and execute combat missions independently.

As the publication notes, experienced Ukrainian officers with years of service in the air defense forces took part in the training. Many of the military had experience working with the Soviet S-300 systems.

It should be noted that at the beginning of August, the German government announced the transfer of two Patriot anti-aircraft missile system launchers to Ukraine.

Earlier, Rubryka wrote that in April 2023, Germany also transferred the Patriot anti-aircraft missile complex with missiles to Ukraine. One complex includes a radar, a command post, and up to eight launchers designed for four missiles each.

For reference:

On October 14, Germany handed Ukraine multi-purpose tracked all-terrain vehicles Bandvagn 206, vehicles for border guards, and 50 systems for detecting drones.

On October 11, Germany announced new military aid to Ukraine worth about one billion euros. The package contains additional air defense systems, tanks, and ammunition.

During his visit to Kyiv on November 21, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius announced a new aid package for Ukraine.


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