09:35 19 Oct 2023

Russia's forces face threat to protect Crimean Bridge due to "ingenuity of Ukraine's military and security services" – British intelligence

Photo: Reuters

The Crimean Bridge is a large and vulnerable structure. The Russians need a lot of effort and money to protect it from the inventive Ukrainian special services.

The British Ministry of Defense reported that on Twitter.

As noted in the summary, on October 14, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin stated that the damage caused by Ukraine in July 2023 with the attack on the Crimean bridge was repaired ahead of schedule.

Although the bridge is fully operational, its use is still limited due to procedures implemented after the first Ukrainian strike in October 2022.

Trucks and fuel are still being transported by ferry, the report said.

According to British intelligence, the Crimean Bridge will remain vital in supporting the Russian occupation of Crimea and Moscow's forces in southern Ukraine.

However, the bridge is now a significant security burden, requiring a multi-pronged defense, including air defense systems and crews that would otherwise be deployed elsewhere.

The ability of Russian forces to protect this "large and vulnerable" structure will continue to be threatened "due to the ingenuity of the Ukrainian military and security services," the British Ministry of Defense notes.

For reference:

It should be noted that the Crimean Bridge, illegally built by the occupiers, was hit at least twice.

On July 17, at night, explosions rang out on the Crimean Bridge. One span towards Taman was destroyed, and the span towards Kerch was damaged.

Media sources in the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) said these explosions resulted from a special operation by the Security Service and the Naval Forces. The bridge was attacked using surface drones.

Against this background, the SSU reminded that the norms of international law and the rules of warfare allow cutting off the enemy's logistical routes.

In addition, on October 8, 2022, an explosion followed by a fire occurred on the bridge over the Kerch Strait. After that, part of the road surface collapsed on the bridge; traffic was blocked.

Later, on October 20, 2022, Zelensky announced that Ukraine didn't order an "attack" on the Crimean Bridge.

In turn, the SSU then said that Russia was generally far from reality regarding the investigation of the explosion on the Crimean Bridge.

On July 23, 2023, Zelensky called the Crimean Bridge a target that must be neutralized.

The Russians labeled the assault on the Crimean bridge as a "terrorist attack" and stated that it would not be repaired until at least November.

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