16:18 23 Jul 2023

Russian intelligence investigates Ukrainian energy infrastructure – Ukraine's Main Directorate of Intelligence

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The main intelligence department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine noted that Russian intelligence is studying the state of Ukraine's energy infrastructure.

The representative of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine, Vadym Skibitsky, quoted by the department's press service, reported this.

"We are monitoring all issues related to the exploration of our energy facilities by the Russian Federation. They have started such work," Skibitsky emphasized.

He said that Russia is currently using various types of intelligence, including space intelligence, to determine the state of the Ukrainian energy infrastructure. The Russians are also trying to identify critical objects affecting Ukraine's energy system.

For reference:

Ukraine's energy infrastructure was damaged due to a series of large-scale missile attacks by Russia during the fall and spring of 2022 and 2023. For the first time, the Russians carried out a massive attack on energy facilities on October 10, 2022, when 11 critical infrastructure facilities in eight regions and the city of Kyiv were damaged.

According to the UN and the World Bank, attacks on Ukraine's energy, heat, and gas infrastructure caused losses of more than 10 billion dollars.

As reported, Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko said in July 2023 that 50% of the entire energy system of Ukraine was damaged by Russian shelling; 271 hits were verified. He noted that there are energy facilities that cannot be restored.

In addition, Rubryka reported that Ukraine plans to resume the export of electricity to Slovakia, even though in the evening, in some regions, the need to import the resource remains.

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