18:51 08 Jul 2023

Russian army has struck Ukraine's energy facilities 271 times during full-scale war – energy minister

Consequences of a missile hitting one of the energy facilities

During the 500 days of the full-scale war, half of Ukraine's energy sector was damaged by Russian shelling, and 271 hits to energy facilities have been recorded so far.

The Minister of Energy Herman Halushchenko announced this on the air of the national telethon "Yedyny Novyny."

According to him, the Russians hit half of the entire energy system, including the generation and transmission system. Two hundred seventy-one hits of various kinds were verified.

"Unfortunately, there are objects that have been completely destroyed and cannot be restored," the minister said.

He also reminded that the energy industry was under daily Russian shelling from October 10, 2022, to March 9, 2023.

Halushchenko added that Ukraine is already conducting the largest repair campaign in history, and the task is to recover as much as possible before the start of the heating season.

The World Bank estimated the losses of the Ukrainian energy industry at 11 billion dollars. Still, the minister noted that this amount is not permanent, as the shelling continues and the total loss already exceeds this figure.

For reference:

Over the past few weeks, 345 tons of energy equipment arrived in Ukraine from the Netherlands, Poland, Finland, Norway, and Sweden.

Since March 2022, Ukraine has received over 8,000 tons of humanitarian equipment from 31 countries.

Ukraine is also preparing for possible strikes on power plants in the fall since the Russians continue to produce missiles, and their previous campaign to destroy the Ukrainian energy industry did not achieve its goal.

We also reported that the new UNDP report indicates the continued vulnerability of the Ukrainian energy sector.



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