09:32 27 Oct 2022

Hungary promises to remove anti-Ukrainian propaganda about russia's war from school textbook

From open sources

Hungary has assured Ukraine that it will correct the provocative content of an online geography textbook for 8th graders, in which russian aggression against Ukraine is highlighted as a civil conflict that russia, the European Union, and the United States are inflating.

InfoPost reports that the textbook's scandalous revision was approved in 2018. That is, after the beginning of the russian aggression in 2014, but before the invasion on February 24, 2022.

As noted by InfoPost, the Hungarian State Secretariat for Education has issued an order according to which the page with the information that caused a wave of anger should be removed from the online textbook.

The head of the Ukrainian association Yednist, Viktoria Petrovska, emphasized that the state secretariat has not yet approached them with the project of a new edition of the text.

"From a conversation with representatives of the government cabinet of education, it seems to us that eighth-graders will reach this part of the textbook in February-March," she said.


We will remind you that in Hungary, the state center developed a geography textbook for the 8th grade, full of anti-Ukrainian propaganda and false facts, capable of "programming" schoolchildren to have a hostile attitude towards Ukraine.

In the textbook, Hungarian schoolchildren are convinced that there is a civil war in Ukraine, in which russia is certainly not involved.

підручник геграції, Угорщина

Photo: Screenshot 

The post is accompanied by a drawing in which Ukraine is being torn apart by a russian bear and men wearing the symbols of the USA and the European Union. At the same time, schoolchildren are asked: "Who (among them) should Ukraine belong to?"

In response, Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs demanded that false information in the Hungarian textbook be corrected as soon as possible.

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