Exclusive 12:40 29 Jul 2022

Morning shelling of Mykolaiv: Rubryka reports five dead and wounded

Photo: Rubryka

On the morning of July 29, the russian military shelled Mykolaiv with cluster shells. Three people died on the spot, and two more in the hospital.

Rubryka reports from the scene.

The strike was launched at the intersection of Bohoiavlenska and Metalurhiv Streets, near the post office after the air raid alarm ended. Shrapnel also hit the minibus. The driver and some passengers were hospitalized.

"There are three dead on the spot-two women and a man. Other people who were injured have already been taken to the hospital. We cannot say exactly how many there are now. Cluster munitions exploded in at least five places. There was a point for issuing humanitarian aid nearby, but at that time, fortunately, it was not working because there would have been much more victims. Now the police and emergency services are working in this area," the police officers said.

Earlier, the head of the Mykolaiv regional administration, Vitalii Kim, reported about seven wounded. As it is known, as of 12 pm, two died.

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Maria Smyk, Rubryka. Photos by Mykola Tymchenko, Rubryka

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