01:21 22 Feb 2022

Ukraine demands to convene UN Security Council because of Russian Federation recognizing the "LDPR." The United States supports

Ukraine demands to convene a meeting of the United Nations Security Council. This call was made by Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba amid Russia's recognition of the pseudo-republics "LPR" and "DPR."

The Foreign Minister published the relevant statement on his Twitter page.

According to him, the authorities have already sent an appeal to the Security Council.

"Ukraine has requested an urgent meeting of the United Nations Security Council due to Russia's illegal actions. We have already sent the request to the Council," the statement said.

US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas Greenfield supported the call.

She said the Kremlin's actions were a complete rejection of the Minsk agreements and a violation of a UN Security Council resolution.

"We must all support Ukraine against Russia's brazen attempt to seize Ukraine's sovereign territory. We cannot be passive observers in this crisis," she said.

Earlier, Putin instructed to officially send troops to the occupied Donbas to "maintain peace."

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