Violence in Ukraine
20 apr, 18:00
Protest against the rape of Ukrainian women by russian army took place near russian embassy in Riga
13 apr, 14:41
A protest against the rape of Ukrainian women was organized near russian embassy in Estonia: photo
13 apr, 14:13
Ukrainian women raped by russian soldiers cannot have abortions in Poland, the human rights activist said
12 apr, 10:23
Ombudswoman reports on about 25 girls being raped by russian invaders in the basement of a house in Bucha
8 apr, 18:55
Russian occupiers in the cities of Bucha and Irpin raped women and young children, Human Rights Commissioner reports
Raped during occupation: what to do, what medicine to take and where to seek help
25 mar, 15:03
In Ukraine, Russian military was first served with charges of rape
21 mar, 19:30
Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine will investigate sexual crimes of occupiers
"Form" ugliness overcome. Where should victims of domestic violence turn to?
"Think where you're going," "it's your fault" and what's wrong with that
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By a word of the law and the language of power: what women need to know about self-defense
4 jan, 15:04
Stefanishyna hopes that Ukraine will ratify Istanbul Convention in 2022
3 jan, 21:26
The first "red bench" in the country installed in Vinnytsia: photo
4 dec, 14:15
Winners of Hack for Locals 3.0 to implement innovative solutions to combat violence in Ukraine
She's Got It
How does a social apartment help women who suffer from domestic violence or hardship?
25 nov, 16:55
Join the orange wave: 16 Days of Activism against Violence campaign launched in Ukraine
She's Got It
(Un)safe November: what to do when domestic violence is nearby