(Non) compulsory vaccination: principal positions of legislation

For several months, the government has been trying to encourage everyone to get vaccinated by introducing various measures that have again divided Ukrainians into two camps: against and for vaccinations.
On November 15, Zelenskyy promised 1,000 hryvnias for vaccinations as a last resort, but may legislation help?
(In)competent Ministry of Health
On October 4, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine approved the List of employees who were obliged to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Almost all civil servants were included in the list.
The order of the Ministry of Health caused a great resonance in the society: some Ukrainians started to appeal the normative act in court, others went to a rally against vaccination. However, has the Ministry exceeded its authority?
The Law "On Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases" defines diseases for which compulsory preventive vaccination is carried out: diphtheria, pertussis, measles, polio, tetanus, tuberculosis.
Mandatory preventive vaccinations can also be introduced against other particularly dangerous infectious diseases, if there is a threat of their occurrence or mass spread in certain areas and facilities.
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