Trend 2021–civic tech. What you need to know about public technology
How technology helps the development of civil society and what it takes to create a successful civic tech startup

According to the Deloitte "Tech Trends 2021" report, digitalization, cloud technologies, data, and their analysis are the primary drivers of technological trends of the last decade, and the COVID-19 crisis has only accelerated their development. In 2021, a powerful all-pervading technologicalization awaits us. In the public sector, it is the heyday of civic tech.
So, setting the trend, the Eastern Europe Foundation, with the support of the European Union, launched the "3D: Development Despite Disruption" project. As part of the project, we announced a competition for grant support for public initiatives aimed at implementing and promoting civic tech tools, and an Act to Connect acceleration program for teams developing civic tech solutions. Applications are accepted until February 28.
To better understand what we're dealing with, together with the executive director of 1991 Open Data Incubator Evhenia Klepa, we explain what civic tech is and where you may have come across it.
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