In Handy 12:25 26 Jan 2022

What to tell your child? Instructions for parents during the Russian threat

We share practical advice from psychologists and the Armed Forces, explain how to train "safety muscles," as well as talk about how to take care of pets

What is the problem?

Recently, the information space has been filled with frightening reports about the high probability of a full-scale offensive by the Russian army. Analysts and the media are discussing various scenarios. Some Western countries are warning their citizens about the dangers of traveling to Ukraine and evacuating the families of diplomats. People on social media are sharing instructions on how to pack "emergency bags" and their fears.

The endless stream of fakes, constant "mines" and the authorities' not always convincing reassurance of the population only inflame the general tension and panic.

Children who are as nervous and anxious as adults are not left out. The youngest ones subconsciously read and reflect their parents' anxiety, the older ones interpret the rumors and news heard from adults in their own way. How to protect your child in this situation, how to properly explain what is happening, and teach them to take care of their safety without panic? Rubryka analyzed.

This publication is available in Ukrainian and Russian. The English translation hasn’t been produced yet. Support us to make the translation faster - follow the link for instructions

In Handy

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