УрбанРубрика 09:15 13 Nov 2020

How to ride unicycle and electric scooter on Ukrainian streets: rules and safety

Not all electric vehicle users are aware of sidewalk or road safety regulations. Here's what a city rider needs to know to get around safely.

Photo Unsplash

Not so long ago, in Kyiv, it became possible to reduce the travel time in an environmentally friendly way, using a public scooter. The closer you are to the city center, the more you can find them near parks, bus stops, and metro stations.

Scooters quickly "felt at home" under townspeople's feet and now surprise almost no one. It's the European way of getting around the city. It's fast, inexpensive, and easy to use: download the app, add your credit card and go. The only thing nobody warns potential electric vehicle users about is the danger of moving along the streets, that neither traffic rules nor social norms regulate. The rules haven't yet developed because of its novelty.

We asked users of electric scooters and electric unicycles about dangers lurking around, what you need to be prepared for, and how to protect yourself on the road.

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