Details 14:00 10 Feb 2022

Territory defense: how to enter and do you need to go through a health check?

Territorial defense is a group of people who will protect the civilian population on the ground, not directly in the war zone. It's in short. And a lot has been said about this lately because the formation of brigades and battalions of the Territorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is underway.

There are many questions about the territory defense, but a few less clear answers for civilians. Rubryka tells what you can await in the ranks of the Defense Forces, how to enroll there, whether a medical commission is needed, whether they will give weapons, and how the state will thank the volunteers.

What is the problem?

Something is happening, nothing is clear

Ukraine is still at war. Aggressive neighbors are "playing with muscles," appealing to rape songs when talking about Ukraine, and confidently spoiling their positions in the international political and economic arena.

Amid these events in Ukraine, the formation of territorial defense is unfolding.

Everyone understands what the Armed Forces and the army are. And the territorial defense began to be formed recently. But the surprise is not the threat of escalation, but the fact that we have a plan to logically strengthen our positions. And it was approved in July 2021. So now everything is on schedule.

Територіальна оборона: відповіді на найпоширеніші питання

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