Experience 09:25 06 Nov 2020

Counting votes in just 2 hours instead of 2 weeks: how Estonia organized e-elections

Epp Maaten, an expert on electronic elections from Estonia, told Rubryka about the three components Ukraine needs to make voting digital and modern

The pandemic doesn't subside. Two weeks after the elections, a new anti-record was set: over 8 thousand cases per day. There are many reasons for the incidence rate, One of them could well have been elections: people staying in cramped unventilated areas for a long time is "excellent" conditions for contracting not only COVID-19 but any other virus.

It's too late to talk about how to hold safe elections in a pandemic. But new challenges may await us, and we can't imagine the "Digital State" without the ability to vote from a computer.

Since Estonia is the e-voting specialist, where e-voting has been held since 2005, we interviewed an expert, Epp Maaten, director of the cybersecurity program at the i-Governance Academy, which coordinated the IT projects of the National Electoral Committee, including internet voting in Estonia.

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