In Handy 15:45 04 Sep 2020

Poisonous wild grass: how to defeat richweed, which sends thousands of people to the intensive care unit

Environmental initiatives, experience from abroad, and even detailed manual

In August, richweed flowering begins, a terrible time for allergic people, which lasts until October, and even until the first frost in the southern regions. Every year, the aggressive allergic plant poisons the lives of more and more Ukrainian people.

At first glance, it's unbelievable that this rich green plant with patterned leaves is a vicious aggressor. Richweed or Ambrosia received its misleading "divine" name because of the legend that it was used to make a charm-like ointment for the Olympians, and nectar from the plant granted immortality. But this magical "food of the gods" is a great danger for a modern person with allergies. People can't work. Their upper respiratory airway mucosa and eyes swell. They have a runny nose, tearing, and fever. They sneeze. Asthma develops. One hundred percent effective drugs against this seasonal disease don't yet exist.

We need to fight against the plant itself.

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