What's Happening 10:37 21 Mar 2022

Timeline: day 26 of Ukraine's defense against Russian aggression

Today, March 21, Russia's military attack on Ukraine has been going on for twenty-six days. We're reporting on all the current news. The article will be constantly updated.

What is today?

Key points.

26 день війни

One of the buildings after the fighting in Mariupol

According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the morning of March 21, units of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine hit 7 air targets of the enemy (1 plane, 4 UAVs, and 2 cruise missiles) in the last 24 hours. In addition, bombers and assault aircraft dealt devastating blows to clusters of enemy equipment and manpower.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces announced new losses in the enemy.

As of March 21:

  • personnel – about 15,000 people,
  • tanks – 498 units,
  • armored combat vehicles – 1535 units,
  • artillery systems – 240 units,
  • MLRS – 80 units,
  • air defense means – 45 units,
  • aircraft – 97 units,
  • helicopters – 121 units,
  • automotive equipment – 969 units,
  • ships / boats – 3 units,
  • fuel tanks – 60,
  • UAV of operational and tactical level – 24.
  • special equipment – 13.

The occupiers issued an ultimatum to Mariupol. Ukraine rejected it. Russian invaders demanded that Mariupol Mayor Vadym Boichenko surrender the city by 5:00 a.m. on March 21, at which point Russian terrorists would allegedly open humanitarian corridors for the population and the disarmed Ukrainian military.

Iryna Vereshchuk responded to the occupiers' ultimatum: "There can be no question of surrendering or laying down arms. We have already informed the Russian side about this. I wrote: Instead of wasting time on 8 pages of letters, just open the corridor. We informed the UN and the ICRC. Now we are waiting for the reaction of the international community. This is a deliberate manipulation and this is a real hostage-taking."

"It is the 25th day that the Russian military is looking for and cannot find the 'Nazis' they invented, from whom they allegedly wanted to protect our people. The same way they are looking for and cannot find Ukrainians who would meet them with flowers. The Russian military can't find their way home. That's why our military is helping them with the road to God's court," Zelenskyy said at night.

More than 3 million Ukrainians are forced to leave for European countries. The total number of internally displaced persons who left their cities and their jobs due to the war is 11-12 million; these are figures from the adviser to the head of the Office of the President, Mykhailo Podoliak.

This is in fact a global humanitarian catastrophe.

10:00 – Zelenskyy signed a law that will facilitate reconstruction after the war. The law creates the concept of restoration work, its content, and timing. This was reported by the press service of the Verkhovna Rada.

З вечірнього звернення Зеленського: "Звертаюсь до усіх українців, всюди, де ми є. Робіть усе для захисту нашої держави. Для порятунку нашого народу. Боріться. Воюйте і допомагайте. Гоніть цих рабів! Гоніть окупантів! Щоб Україна – жила. І ми всі – разом з нею. Вільна і мирна. Яку ми так любимо. Слава Україні!"

Humanitarian corridors

Plans for humanitarian corridors on March 21, 2022, by Iryna Vereshchuk.

To date, 8 humanitarian corridors have been agreed upon.

Donetsk region:

For evacuation of people from Mariupol to the city of Zaporizhzhia, the following routes will work today:

  • Berdiansk – Zaporizhzhia
  • Manhush community – Zaporizhzhia
  • Nikolske – Zaporizhzhia

Kyiv region:

  • the village of Velyka Dymerka to Brovary
  • from the village of Vorzel to the village of Bilohorodka
  • from the town of Bucha to the village of Bilohorodka
  • from Kozarovychy village to Vyshhorod

Luhansk region:

  • from Lysychansk to Bakhmut
  • from Severodonetsk to Bakhmut
  • from Hirske to Bakhmut

Evacuation buses and humanitarian aid will be sent from Bakhmut.

As of March 21, 45,000 people have been able to get out of besieged Mariupol, says Iryna Vereshchuk.

The scoundrels have committed a crime again! The occupiers fired at evacuation buses with children! "Today is a difficult day because children are suffering again. Four children were taken to the hospital. Three children came under fire in the former Huliaipil district, now Polohivskyi. Families left Mariupol, escaped. One child is in critical condition. Another family came under fire in the village of Kamianske, also a child in serious condition," said the Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration.

Results of the day: Today, only one of the 8 agreed humanitarian corridors did not work. A total of 8,057 people were evacuated.

Ukraine's talks with Russia

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US ambassador to the United Nations, said the United States saw no chance of a breakthrough in Ukraine's talks with the aggressor country. She called them "one-sided." "It does not seem that the Russians are inclined to a diplomatic decision," the American diplomat added.

Peskov wanted to make Ukraine more "compliant," he appealed to other countries: "Russia is grateful to all countries that offer mediation in negotiations with Kyiv. It is important to make Ukraine more compliant. The level of progress in the negotiations is probably not such as the dynamics of the situation for the Ukrainian side needs," he said. It is clear that despite Peskov's desire, Ukraine is not going to give up its principles.

Peskov also said that Russia would not cease fire during talks with Ukraine. But even without the statements of this white-eyed fish, we are convinced that we should not expect civilized behavior from Putin's sewer.

14:30 – Negotiations between the official delegations of Ukraine and Russia on March 21 lasted an hour and a half. Then working groups will work all day, says Arakhamia, a member of the Ukrainian delegation.

Zelenskyy and putin are not expected to meet yet.

20:00 – Zelenskyy stated that the final point in the negotiations between Russia and Ukraine will be an all-Ukrainian referendum. "I explained to all negotiating groups: when you talk about all these changes, and they can become historic, we will go nowhere, we will come to a referendum," the president said in an interview with Suspilne.

Peaceful atom

Currently, Ukrainian specialists are "working at gunpoint and under the leadership of the orc commander," the head of Energoatom Petro Kotin informs about the situation at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.

15:00 – rallies of solidarity of all NPPs of Ukraine in support of residents of Enerhodar and employees of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant began. This was reported by Energoatom.


This is a railway bridge between Irpin and Kyiv. The railway connection between these cities was destroyed.

The ports of Mariupol, Berdiansk, Skadovsk, and Kherson are temporarily closed, said the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine

Who's coming to Ukraine? 

About financial aid, weapons, and volunteer fighters

The introduction of a peacekeeping contingent to Ukraine will be discussed during US President Joe Biden's visit to Poland. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US ambassador to the United Nations, said it was unlikely that US troops could take part, but they would support another NATO country if it did.

In addition, the United States asked Turkey to hand over to Ukraine S-400s bought in Russia. According to a Pentagon spokesperson, Ankara is proposing to abandon the S-400 and send it to Ukraine in exchange for lifting US sanctions on Turkey and returning it to the F-35 fighter production program.

The EU plans to increase financial assistance to Ukraine for the purchase of weapons to 1 billion euros, said German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock.

China will provide Ukraine with another 10 million yuan ($1.57 million) in humanitarian aid, the Chinese Foreign Ministry says.

New Zealand will allocate additional funds for Ukraine. That's another 5 million New Zealand dollars ($3.5 million) in financial support and non-lethal assistance.

However, Ukrainians do not rely only on outside help. Today, everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of Ukraine, if possible, helps our Armed Forces to fight financially against the Russian hydra. Yes, more than 165 million hryvnias were raised for the army through the Diia alone. All money goes to the Return Alive Foundation. Almost 200,000 Ukrainians joined the fundraising.

And in Pryluky, a 94-year-old elderly woman gave away most of her pension to the Armed Forces.

The charity initiative from the developer of the game Fortnite raised $36 million for humanitarian aid to Ukraine in a day. All the money collected by April 3 will also be sent to Ukraine.

The United States is sending Soviet air defense systems to Ukraine, which it secretly acquired several decades ago to support the Ukrainian armed forces, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Assistance to refugees and those who receive them

The Prime Minister of Finland stated that the country was ready for the arrival of even more refugees from Ukraine.

News from partners

26 день війни

"Together we are a force." Touching graffiti in Riga. Girls in the colors of the flags of Ukraine and Latvia

In a conversation with Zelenskyy, British Prime Minister Johnson promised to demand even more support from Ukraine in NATO and the G7. "The UK will continue to increase military, economic and diplomatic support to help end this terrible conflict," he said.

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is currently considering a trip to Ukraine, the Daily Mail reports. According to the publication, Johnson has already asked his officials to analyze the realism of the trip to Kyiv for a personal meeting with Zelenskyy.

Putin has changed his tactics towards Ukraine. He abandoned the idea of ​​taking Kyiv, but now he wants to put pressure on the Ukrainian leadership and take away the east and the south, the WSJ said. Journalists note that Putin could shell and siege Ukrainian cities for weeks or months to carry out such plans. But at the same time, they add that this is the view of some US officials, not the opinion of intelligence officers.

Slovenia will soon return its diplomats to Kyiv, the prime minister said, urging EU countries to do the same.

And in Poland, they plan to start confiscating Russian property located in the country. Prime Minister Morawiecki said that the Polish government would discuss this issue during a forthcoming meeting with the opposition on the war in Ukraine.

26 день війни

Meanwhile, on the Polish border between Poland and Belarus, Ukrainians have been blocking trucks with Russian license plates for several days. Despite the ban, they are trying to bring all sorts of sanctioned goods to Russia. At one of the border sections, the queue stretched for more than 50 km! After the protests, the Polish authorities also promised to block the passage.

The American organization Space Foundation renamed the annual holiday, which was formerly named after Yuri Gagarin. According to Insider, instead of "Night of Yuri" in April there will be a charity party called "Space Celebration." Information about the name change has already been removed, but Gagarin has not been returned. That's real toxicity!

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia proposed to send all frozen assets of the Russian Federation abroad for the reconstruction of Ukraine.

Today, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Poland, France, Georgia, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States signed a joint statement "On the urgent need to modernize Ukraine's air defense." This was reported by Ruslan Stefanchuk.

The EU has approved the Union's first-ever joint strategy on security and defense, the Strategic Compass.

In the evening, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba called on the Chinese government to play an important role in ending the Russian invasion of Ukraine. He added that Kyiv shares Beijing's position on the need for a political solution to the war.

At the same time, the Ukrainian Ambassador to Poland Andrii Deshchytsia said that Poland had begun preparations for a possible Russian invasion.


An auction in support of the Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital in Kyiv is underway in London until March 27. The main lot is a painting, Banksy's CND Soldiers, by a famous artist under the pseudonym Banksy.

It turns out that Russian gas can be replaced. Of course, if you want. Germany has said it has a long-term agreement with Qatar to supply liquefied natural gas. German Economy Minister Robert Habeck said the deal would "open the door" for the country's economy.

What's in Russia?

26 день війни

Ural Airlines will send some of its staff, including pilots and flight attendants, to forced layoffs. The reason for this step is the "difficult geopolitical situation," the closure of European airspace, the temporary use of airspace in southern Russia, and restrictions on the use of aircraft.

Following the sugar in Russia, such a concept as "elections" is disappearing. Russia is going to consider the possibility of canceling direct elections of governors in September in some regions of those where they are planned "because of the current economic situation."

In Russia, a court recognized Meta Platforms as an extremist organization. So from now, Instagram and Facebook are not only blocked there but also banned.

And in the country of orcs, there is a lack of packaging for juices and milk. The reason is the shortage of foreign raw materials.

While the population takes out the weathered containers from the lockers, the authorities started searching for the enemies of the people and launched a denunciation service. The site for searching for "pests" in the authorities has already been launched, and it will be camouflaged as the outrage of citizens. Then, due to parliamentary inquiries, the denunciation will be sent to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. And then the new 1937 will return.

У Італії арештовано яхту путіна

Putin's yacht Scheherazade has been arrested in Italy. 146 meters, 6 decks, $700 million. So what's the use of a yacht for this bunker guy?

It is no longer possible to hide the losses of the invader. "According to the Russian Defense Ministry, 9,861 people were killed and 16,153 wounded during a 'special operation' in Ukraine," Komsomolskaya Pravda reported. However, an hour later, for unknown reasons, the data was removed from the site. Russia is always underestimating the losses, but this is no longer the 500 people they claimed earlier.

What's about Belarus?

In Belarus, guerrillas are stopping Russian trains, damaging Russian equipment, and handing out leaflets to prevent Belarusian troops from invading Ukraine, opposition leader Franak Vyachorka said.

97% of Belarusians do not support the participation of Belarus in the war against Ukraine, according to a survey by Rigor Astapen.

However, the Belarusian authorities continue to prepare for the invasion of Ukraine: "Red squares are being applied to military equipment and this is a sign that the Belarusian army is ready to enter the territory of Ukraine," said Zhytomyr Mayor Serhii Sukhomlyn.

A girl from Zhytomyr wrote a letter to her relatives from Belarus when she was in hiding from an enemy bombing. Hold on, we'll win!

15:00 – Belarus announced that the landing party was taken away from the border with Ukraine. It seems that the paratroopers returned to their place of permanent deployment after the successful strengthening of the Belarusian border. Vehicles are moving in Brest, which has partially blocked traffic in the city.

Russian lies don't get tired

Orc propaganda spreads fakes in Europe about Ukrainians. Police in the German city of Bonn has reported on the Internet a video of an alleged attack by Ukrainians on a 16-year-old Russian-speaking volunteer in the Euskirchen area, which experts assess as fake and aimed at inciting hostility.

Російський брехунець не втомлюється

Roskosmos CEO Dmitry Rogozin said that bio-weapons "developed in Ukraine" affect the reproductive system of women and the immunity of "certain ethnic groups," including against the "Russian population of Russia": "These weapons affect the reproductive function of women of certain nationalities, and in general on the immune system of a particular ethnic group, causing allergies, intolerance to traditional foods and susceptibility to diseases that weaken the nation's immunity and its extinction without the influence of war," he said.

It is simply impossible to comment on this enchanting delusion. But the Mordor zombies believe.

21:00 – Russia refuses to continue negotiations with Japan on a peace treaty and suspends visa-free travel for the Japanese in the southern Kuril Islands.

Sanctions on the aggressor!

Finally, France woke up. They froze 172 billion euros belonging to the Russians. These are the funds of the Central Bank and the accounts of about 30 individuals. Earlier, Bruno Le Maire said: "We are aimed at the 'heart' of the Russian system, Vladimir Putin, the oligarchs, but also the entire Russian economy."

The EU will consider imposing an oil embargo on Russia over the invasion of Ukraine, Reuters reports. Diplomats said the Baltic states, including Lithuania, were pushing for an embargo as the next logical step, while Germany warned against taking action too quickly because of Europe's already high energy prices.

Georgian banks don't service cards of the Russian payment system Mir. According to the representatives of the National Bank of Georgia, accepting cards of this payment system for payment in the country is considered a violation of the law.

Dmytro Kuleba: New sanctions will be imposed on Russia. It is about "pushing out those companies" that haven't yet left Russia, including those "without which Russia will not be able to make its own missiles."

More recent sanctions against Russia:

  • OKYO – Yokohama Rubber Co. Ltd. became the last manufacturer of tires to close production in Russia.
  • Northern Macedonia has abolished visa-free travel for Russians.
  • The American company Netcracker, which develops and implements unique IT solutions for telecom operators around the world, which has a large R&D in Ukraine, is leaving the Russian market.
  • Amway has announced the suspension of its activities in Russia.
  • The LVMH group of companies, which owns the Lori Piana brand, has stopped supplying products to Russia.

Foreign publishers also stopped cooperating with Russian publishing houses because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Well-known authors announce the suspension of work with Russian publishing houses. Stephen King was the first to say he would not renew his contracts with Russian publishers on his Twitter account. He was followed by English science fiction writer Neil Gaiman, Canadian novelist Lynnwood Barkley, and Polish science fiction writer Adam Przechrzta.

Anonymous threatened to break in 40 companies that continue to cooperate with Russia. The hacktivists gave 48 hours for foreign companies to leave Russia and called on them to stop helping to finance the war.

Life considering hostilities

The national portal Poetry of the Free was launched in Ukraine. These are all-Ukrainian military chronicles in verse, says the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine.

Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksii Reznikov: "Today, everyone who goes to work, gives work to others, fills the treasury, works to defend Ukraine."

The Ministry of Health Contact Center 0 800 60 20 19 accepts calls and inquiries regarding critical needs:

  • from medical institutions: medicines, medical devices, oxygen, bulletproof vests for emergency care or other urgent needs;
  • from citizens: problematic issues with the supply of insulin or other medicines in pharmacies.

Operators will record the appeal and pass it for prompt resolution. The Ministry of Health will keep all requests under control.

The state will pay each IDP in Ukraine a monthly minimum allowance of 2,000 hryvnias. The payment for each child will be 3 thousand hryvnias.

Ukrainians will also be able to officially acquire the status of the unemployed through the Diia application. This was reported by the Ministry of Economy with reference to the decision of the Cabinet. All the unemployed will receive the assistance provided to them. But a person can be deregistered from the Employment Center if they refuse to perform community service. All unemployed, according to the decree, are obliged to participate in them at the request of the military command or local administrations.

The usual services are also returning to Diia: Sole proprietors can again pay taxes in the application of state services. The service was temporarily unavailable because of the beginning of the Russian war against Ukraine.

А ще в

And the Diia app has launched the first game. There you can control Bayraktar and destroy the virtual equipment of the occupiers. Update the application and toss off the occupiers!

The Rada is preparing a law under which companies working with Russia will be subject to additional tax in Ukraine. People's Deputy Yaroslav Zhelezniak announced this. "If they have money and a desire to sponsor the military sphere of the aggressor, then they must find money to rebuild everything the agressor destroyed in another country," wrote People's Deputy Zhelezniak.

The Office of the Prosecutor General opens a separate area for the investigation of sexual crimes committed by the Russian occupiers.



As a result of a night rocket attack on a shopping mall in Podilskyi district, 6 buildings were damaged (3 of them are usable no more), 2 schools and 2 kindergartens were also damaged. As of the morning of March 21, it is known that the explosion killed eight people and injured them. Rescuers, police, and medics are on the scene.

12:00 – due to fires after airstrikes in the capital and the region, there is air pollution. Therefore, the mayor of Kyiv Klychko asks not to open the windows, but to wear a medical FFP2 respirator on the street.

A stricter curfew is being introduced again in Kyiv and Kyiv region. It will last more than 24 hours: from 20:00 on March 21 to 07:00 on March 23. This means that there will be even more dead orcs around Kyiv.

By the way, the fleet of the resistance forces of the Siveria area was replenished with a new unit of enemy equipment, 2C19 MSTA-C with ammunition, this was reported by the North Operational Command.

Donetsk and Luhansk regions

Manolis Andrulakis, Consul General of Greece, was in Mariupol until recently. He helped dozens of Greek and ethnic Greeks evacuate. Andrulakis himself left Mariupol on March 15. And only yesterday I got home. "I hope no one will ever see what I saw again," Andrulakis described the horrors of war when he arrived in Athens.

Russian occupation forces destroyed 12 residential buildings and 8 commercial premises in the Luhansk region in one day, the head of the regional administration said. Also last night 5 people were rescued from the blockage. Two more were wounded.

Rubizhne and Popasna are under the control of Ukraine. Serhii Haidai, head of the Luhansk Regional State Administration, said: "No one has been lost. Our cities. The occupiers are unsuccessful. Rubizhne and Popasna are Ukraine! We are waiting for the complete 'expulsion' of Russians from Rubizhne.

Forced mobilization of the population continues in the temporarily occupied territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

13:00 – in the Luhansk region, the occupiers are deliberately destroying food warehouses. A humanitarian catastrophe is the goal of a terrorist country.

Know the maniac's face. Pictured above is the war criminal responsible for the destruction of Mariupol, Russian Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev. The time will come. This beast will also go to hell!

And in the self-proclaimed DPR, the Russians have decided to raise the age of the mobilized; they will enlist for men up to 65, according to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, on March 19, the occupiers illegally deported 2,389 children to Russia, who were in the temporarily occupied districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

In Avdiivka alone, five people were killed and ten were injured in the shelling today. This was announced by the head of the military-civil administration, Vitalii Barabash.

20:00 – The shelling continues in Rubizhne. The invaders ransacked a private house and school. The number of victims is currently unknown.

Загарбники влучили у приватний житловий будинок та школу. Кількість жертв наразі невідома.

18:00 – East Operational and tactical group destroyed the Russian fascist electronic warfare complex and other military equipment of the occupiers.

21:00 – 24 Mechanized Brigade named after King Daniel also worked out perfectly. Soldiers of the Royal Brigade hunted several units of orcs' military equipment. The result: minus three tanks T-72, BTR-82, and MTLB of the occupiers in the Luhansk region.


Russia's new crime. Five ships with tens of thousands of tons of grain disappeared from the seaport in Berdiansk. Eyewitnesses say they were driven away by Russian tugs. This was announced by the head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration Oleksandr Starukh during the telethon UA ​​together.

Ukrainian paratroopers eliminated servicemen of the 126th Coast Guard Brigade of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

In the Zaporizhzhia region, law enforcement officers exposed the occupier's informant. The traitor studied the location of forces and means of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He sent the received data to war criminals. Yesterday, March 20, operatives of the criminal police of the Headquarters of the National Police in the Zaporizhia region together with officers of the 4th Department of the 5th Directorate of the Military Counterintelligence Department of the SBU exposed a 52-year-old native of Vilniansk. The traitor was found with bank cards, means of communication, and means of transportation.

In the morning, the occupiers took four journalists from MV Holding (Melitopol): publisher Mykhailo Kumko, editor-in-chief Yevhenia Borian, journalists Yulia Olkhovska, and Liubov Chaika, away in an unknown direction. The server was confiscated from the journalists.

18:00 – in Melitopol, the occupiers released the publisher Mykhailo Kumko and his family. Earlier, three journalists were released from captivity.


20:00 – "Vladimir" was hunted down in the Zaporizhzhia region. Thus, the soldiers of one of the brigades managed to capture the modern Russian main battle tank, T-90 Vladimir. We are proud of the Armed Forces and consider the death of "Iron Vladimir" a harbinger of the death of a real oppressor.

Kherson region

Kherson will create a website for reports of disappearances and looting, said Kherson Mayor Ihor Kolykhaiev.

In order to prevent rallies in the occupied settlements, Russian National Guard units were relocated, which are trying to carry out punitive measures against civilians in the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions.

13:30 – In Kherson, the occupiers opened fire on Ukrainian residents who came to a peaceful rally! There are wounded. The prosecutor's office has launched criminal proceedings over the shelling of pro-Ukrainian protesters in Kherson by the Russian military and for violating the laws and customs of war.

Прокуратура розпочала кримінальне провадження за фактом обстрілу військовими рф учасників проукраїнського мітингу в Херсоні та за порушення законів та звичаїв війни.

16:00 – in Kherson, the occupying "military commander" banned all rallies and meetings.

17:00 – Russian fascists kidnapped the mayor of Beryslav Oleksandr Shapovalov. One of the activists was also taken away with him.

19:00 – the Tavrian place of power worked again! For the seventh time, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have destroyed the equipment of the Russian occupiers at the airfield in Chornobaivka near Kherson.

Mykolaiv region

26 день війни

Now the Ukrainian Armed Forces have a new command and staff vehicle R-149MA1 of the Russian army, which is part of the automated control system of Russian troops. Along with the car, Ukrainian soldiers gained access to complete information about the positions and forces of the enemy.

In the south of Ukraine, the 80th separate airborne assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed a unit of traitors from the occupied Perevalnyi.

миколаївщина війна

15:30 – in the Mykolaiv region, the Ukrainian paratroopers liberated the village from the Russian invaders. It is noted that the Ukrainian units surrounded the settlement from the flanks, held a short battle, as a result of which the enemy forces were destroyed. Also during this operation, the paratroopers seized weapons and military equipment, relevant documents.

Units of Airborne Assault Troops in the Mykolaiv region liberated the village from Russian terrorists. The paratroopers also detained and handed over to the SBU a local resident, who for 1000 rubles "leaked" the addresses of anti-terrorist operation participants and patriotic citizens to the invaders.

20:00 – The unit of volunteers of the Movement of National Resistance, operating in the southern territories of Ukraine, advanced the positions won by the Russians in the Mykolaiv region forward and consolidated in two more settlements. The comrades are conducting reconnaissance and clearing the area of ​​enemy evil spirits, said a spokesperson for the Odesa Military Administration.

Odesa region

Near Odesa, Ukrainian defenders shot down a ship of the Russian occupiers; such information came from the speaker of the operational headquarters of the Odesa regional military administration Serhii Bratchuk.

The shelling of Odesa by the naval artillery of the occupiers: several houses were damaged, no casualties. "As a result of the morning enemy shelling from the ship's artillery, several households in Odesa were damaged. There are no victims," said Serhii Bratchuk, a spokesperson for the Odesa Regional Military Administration.

20:00 – according to the Conflict Intelligence Team, the probability of the landing party in Odesa is low. The reason is trivial: the aggressor ran out of Marines. The investigative organization reports that the Russian horde doesn't have the strength to land in Odesa. Because almost all the deployed marines are already involved in battles on the territory of Ukraine.

Sumy region

Ammonia leaked at the Sumykhimprom plant. Mykhailo Zhyvytskyi, the head of the Sumy Regional State Administration, announced this on the night of March 21. "Currently, the affected area is about 2.5 km. The direction of the wind and the settlements that are under threat: the village of Novoselytsia. Emergency crews of the plant and the SES are working. The village of Novoselytsia is under threat.

8:30 – ammonia leak localized. Employees of the enterprise have started regular work on restoring technological processes. SES units have completed their work.

Sumy safari. In the Sumy region, three hunters fought five occupiers. A 62-year-old hunter from the first shot hit a Russian soldier who was driving a stolen car. The vehicle flew into the reservoir. Four Russian servicemen escaped from it, one of whom was wounded. Shooting away, the Russians retreated to a nearby village, where they hid on a farm. There they were captured by the military of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. None of the hunters were injured.

In Trostianets, Sumy region, the occupiers are forcing civilians to sit at night on the streets near the Russian army equipment as a human shield, said the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmila Denisova.

Kharkiv region

In the Kharkiv region, the occupiers abducted the head of the village of Tsyrkuny, Mykola Sikalenko, directly from his own house. Oleh Sinehubov, head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, notes that the authorities are doing everything to find and return Sikalenko.

15:40 – A fighter jet of the Russian Federation was shot down near Chuhuiv. Two UAVs were shot down in the Kharkiv district, this was also announced by the head of the regional military administration Oleh Synehubov.

Борис Романченко

A 96-year-old prisoner of Nazi concentration camps died in Kharkiv. Borys Romanchenko survived Buchenwald, Peenemünde, Mittelbau-Dora, and Bergen-Belsen, but was killed by a Russian missile in his apartment during a "denazification operation."

Izium has its own "ghosts," said the employee of the Izium City Council Maksym Strelnyk. "Now the sky over Izium is controlled by our ace pilots. About 10 Russian fascist aircraft, including planes and helicopters, have already been destroyed by them," Strelnyk said.

Chernihiv region

Yesterday in Chernihiv, a Russian shell hit a car delivering water to citizens. There are dead and injured. "Peaceful people just went for water. They picked it up and delivered it to people," said an eyewitness. According to him, the projectile hit the car, it became uncontrollable, and drove to the side. Previously, two people were killed and several others were injured.

The abduction epidemic also reached Chernihiv. Such information comes from communities in the temporarily occupied territory of the region, said the head of the Chernihiv Regional State Administration Viacheslav Chaus

  • So yesterday in the village of Andriivka of the Mykhailo-Kotsiubynskyi community, the Russians detained the mayor. A local deputy, the school principal, was also detained.
  • The occupiers also detained the mayor of the village. The Hremiach village chief of the Novhorod-Siverskyi community, according to locals, was taken by military equipment to the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • In the village of Nova Basan in the community of the same name, people reported the abduction of 2 local government officials.

All this information is being checked.

And about real heroes. Heroines! An educator from Chernihiv rescued 30 children from an orphanage and took them to Ivano-Frankivsk. This was announced by the director of the Sednivka gymnasium, Tetiana Yasochko. According to her, the educator was able to go to Ivano-Frankivsk with the children, because it was dangerous to stay in Chernihiv in the future. "30 children from an orphanage in Chernihiv were admitted to Ivano-Frankivsk region. And the real heroine, educator Natalia Pesotska, brought them there! Nobody knows how, but she lived with her pupils in the basement for a month. Everyone refused, because of course the situation is difficult… This person rescued children when Russians hit the shelter twice, hid them in the cells of the church… Children begged not to leave them and not to go home, and Natalia took her children and lived with them all the war, fed and cared for, by the way, the youngest boy is 3,5 years," Yasochko said.

Zhytomyr region

Zhytomyr region was shelled for the first time from Grad missile systems. This was announced during a briefing by the head of the Zhytomyr Regional Military Administration Vitalii Bunechko. Three soldiers and one civilian were killed.

14:00 – In the Zhytomyr region, police recorded two cases of missiles falling near Zhytomyr and Korostyshiv. This was reported by the National Police of the region.

Western Ukraine 


Gym in Zakarpattia, where about three hundred refugees settled. The main contingent is the elderly and children. For the little ones, there are cots, others sleep on bunk beds (they are closed with sheets) or just on the floor where the beds are mattresses. Many people simply cannot afford to rent their own housing.

And almost 60,000 people from other regions of Ukraine found refuge in the churches of Lviv.

8:00 – Russia launched two missile strikes on the test site in the Rivne region, the head of the regional military administration Vitalii Koval has just announced.

14:00 – in Zakarpattia, people captured four enemies, the so-called military of "LPR" and "DPR," who are fighting against Ukraine as allies of the Russian army.

The State Security Service detained a Belarusian spy in the Volyn region. He collected information for the enemy about the location and movement of UAF equipment and the state of mobilization in the region.

21:30 – Rivne region was fired upon again: three missiles were shot down. "The fourth missile caused damage and destruction. The losses are being clarified," said Vitalii Koval, Head of the Rivne Regional State Administration.

Today in the city of Varash in the Rivne region, which is a satellite of the NPP, a rally was held in support of the residents of Enerhodar, the Zaporizhzhia region. Protesters came out to morally support Enerhodar Deputy Mayor Ivan Samoidiuk, who was abducted by the Russian military.

Hold on, Ukrainians! The day is ours! Glory to Ukraine!


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