What's Happening 22:03 22 Oct 2022

Strikes on energy infrastructure and Johnson's return: timeline of October 22 and major solutions

Today is day 241 of russia's war in Ukraine: we talk about the key events at the front, in the rear, and in the world, as well as the leading solutions that approach our victory


Ukrainian army's successes

📌 Ukrainian air defense already shoots down about 60% of enemy targets. And drones are even more effective.

📌 Air defense forces destroyed 10 attack drones over Mykolayiv and one more over Kirovohrad region.

📌 Soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces landed 20 cruise missiles out of 40 launched in Ukraine during the morning, including 5 Kalibr missiles.

During the second repeated alarm today, the Armed Forces shot down 7 rockets in the west alone.

📌 In Ukraine, 10 Iranian instructors who taught Russian soldiers to launch kamikaze drones were eliminated.

📌 The occupiers continue to flee from the Kherson region. In the city of Beryslav, Kherson region, all bodies of the occupation authorities ceased their activities on October 19. Collaborators who cooperated with the russian occupiers continued to leave the city, along with their families and property.


russia's crimes

Удари по енергоінфраструктурі та повернення на арену Джонсона: хроніка подій 22 жовтня та головні рішення

Consequences of a missile hitting one of the energy facilities

📌 Saturday began with two massive rocket attacks by the occupiers.

In Lviv, Zhytomyr and Chernivtsi regions, air defense forces have been activated.

5 out of 5 missiles flying at Kyiv were shot down.

Two enemy missiles were also shot down over the Chernihiv and Sumy regions.

There are arrivals in Volyn (twice) and Khmelnytskyi regions. Part of Lutsk and Khmelnytskyi without light.

The energy facility in Lutsk was actually destroyed by three Kh-101 missiles.

Two strikes were made at an energy infrastructure facility in Odesa. Two people were injured.

In Rivne, the russians hit a critical infrastructure facility. Residents of the surrounding areas were evacuated to safe places. Points of medical assistance have been deployed in medical institutions.

The terrorist country also hit two critical infrastructure facilities in the Mykolayiv region in the morning.


📌 After today's attacks on the energy infrastructure, the consequences may be worse than after the massive shelling 1.5 weeks ago. Currently, more than 10 regions have limited power supply.

Almost 1.5 million people were left without electricity.

Life amid war

"Nova Poshta" created a special mobile department to work in de-occupied territories where there is no electricity. ⬆️ Such a branch can work both from a 220V network and from a generator. The first mobile branch is already working in the village of Rohan in the Kharkiv region. The company plans to establish another 20 such branches in the near future.


Foreign partners' support

💡 Germany handed Ukraine the first TRML-4D radar system for anti-missile defense. Delivery of 3 more units is expected.

💡 The UN will help Ukraine with the demining of territories. Ukraine will receive specialized equipment and armored excavators from the UN.

💡 The EU launches an emergency shelter program for 46,000 people in winter for Ukraine and increased humanitarian aid by 175 million euros. Temporary shelters will be deployed in Rivne, Kyiv, Kharkiv regions and in Romania.

💡 In the Czech Republic, people raised more than 1.3 million dollars to buy a modernized T-72 for Ukraine.



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