What's Happening 19:36 07 Sep 2022

Timeline of war: day 196 of russia's war in Ukraine

Key events

Ukrainian army's successes

📌 The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reports that as a result of the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the front line in the Kharkiv region now passes along the Balaklia area, and the Ukrainian military returned under the control of Ukraine Verbivka and Tabora, located near the city. We are waiting for confirmation from Ukraine's General Staff. The photo below is more telling than any analytics!

📌 The US Department of Defense notes that the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kherson region "continue to move forward," in particular, returning under control the settlements. Also, the USA observes "some offensive activity of the russian federation near Bakhmut in Donetsk region."

📌 The General Staff announced the liberation of the settlements of Novoznesenske (Kherson direction) and Dovhenke (Izium direction in the Kharkiv region).

📌 The Ukrainian Armed Forces repelled enemy attacks in 7 settlements in the Donetsk region!

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📌 This infographic demonstrates how much enemy equipment was destroyed by just two Ukrainian Bayraktar combat drones in three days.

📌 Private military companies of the enemy suffer significant losses. Separate units account for more than 40 percent of the seriously wounded and killed.

📌 In the occupied Izium, Kharkiv region, the russian air defense system could not shoot down any of the 20 HIMARS missiles launched by the Armed Forces of Ukraine over the past month.

📌 About 5,000 women are voluntarily fighting on the front lines— about 15% of the number of military personnel, not including those mobilized. Compared to NATO states, it is one of the highest indicators!

russia's attacks

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📌 The mayor of Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, published a photo of the consequences of a russian missile attack on a psychiatric hospital in the city. There were no casualties, but the building was seriously damaged.

📌 As of September 7, 595 multi-story buildings were damaged in Mykolaiv due to russia's shelling. In addition to high-rise buildings, 840 private houses were damaged.

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📌 In Mariupol, the russians destroyed the territory of the archaeological site of local importance, Kalmius Settlement. The russians barbarically shelled the city and continued to erase historical, archeological, and cultural monuments from the map of Mariupol.

📌 In Mala Tokmachka, Zaporizhzhia region, the russians fired at the queue for humanitarian aid. According to preliminary information, seven people were seriously injured, and three died.

📌 In the Kherson region, the russian military kidnapped 613 people. Two hundred forty-eight are still in russian captivity.

📌 A repeated attack on Kyiv is unlikely to succeed. Ukraine mainly monitors the situation on the border with Belarus and receives daily intelligence data on what is happening there, the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, Oleksii Danilov, says.

📌 russia threatens to disrupt the "grain agreement," which expires in November. The russian federation says that within this agreement, they could not take out a single ship with food. Although their food is not subject to sanctions, and their ports have not been blocked.

📌 Meanwhile, dolphins are dying en masse in the Black Sea due to russian aggression; law enforcement officers have opened a case for ecocide.

Solutions for victory

Partners' support

Пол Массаро підтримав акцію Маріупольського Спротиву

💡 Paul Massaro, US Helsinki Commission's senior political advisor, supported the Mariupol Resistance's action. The Ukrainian letter "Ї" became its symbol.

💡 Germany handed Ukraine the COBRA counter-battery radar, promised back in the summer, and five Gepard anti-aircraft self-propelled guns. The COBRA (Counter Battery Radar) radar station helps determine up to 40 enemy firing positions in two minutes.

💡 Liz Truss accepted Zelensky's invitation to visit Ukraine. In her first telephone conversation with him, she emphasized that Ukraine could count on long-term help from Great Britain.

💡 Iron Curtain: Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia agreed to limit the entry of russians into the EU through their borders. Exceptions will be made only for truck drivers, diplomats, and citizens entering for family and humanitarian reasons.

💡 The United States will not recognize russia as a state sponsor of terrorism, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said. The White House claims, "Adding the russian federation to the list of countries sponsoring terrorism may have unforeseen consequences for Ukraine, delaying food exports."

Безкоштовна кухня від посольства Туреччини

💡 In Chernihiv, the Turkish Embassy organized a free kitchen in a mobile trailer. Up to 700 townspeople and migrants eat here every day.

💡 Surgeons from the USA are coming to Ivano-Frankivsk as part of a large-scale Ukrainian-American project on the operative treatment of Ukrainian soldiers; they will operate on soldiers with head and neck injuries.

💡 Volodymyr Zelensky and the entire Ukrainian people were nominated for the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought. This proposal was adopted by the Group of the European People's Party, the largest in the European Parliament.

Ukranians, unite!

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💡 Singer Sviatoslav Vakarchuk donated 350,000 hryvnias to the Save Ukrainian Culture project. The funds will be used to restore the National Literary and Memorial Museum of Skovoroda, which russia destroyed.

💡 The mayor of the capital Vitalii Klychko supported the volunteer initiative, Heat To The Front, and handed over boxing gloves with his autograph, which should be auctioned off among those who donate to heaters for defenders.

💡 The first 20 attack drones have already been delivered to the front, for which Ukrainians raised UAH 64 million as part of the Army of Drones project.


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