What's Happening 11:22 13 Mar 2022

Timeline: day 18 of Ukraine's defense against Russian aggression (UPDATING)

Photo Reuters

Today, March 13, is the eighteenth day as Russia's military attack on Ukraine continues. We're reporting about all the current news. The article will be constantly updated.

What is today?

Key points.

"The Russian occupiers cannot subdue us. They don't have such strength, they don't have such a spirit. They are based only on violence. Only on terror. Only on weapons, of which they have many. But the occupiers have no natural basis for a normal life. So that people can feel happiness and dream.

They are organically incapable of making life normal! Wherever Russia has come to a foreign land, dreams are impossible," Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in his video address.

Zelenskyy also said that he had signed decrees awarding 106 servicemen with state awards, 17 of them posthumously. Among them is the first woman-hero of Ukraine, who was posthumously awarded the title.

Хроніка подій: вісімнадцятий день оборони України від російської агресії

Since February 24, senior combat medic Inna Derusova has been performing tasks in the city of Okhtyrka, Sumy Region. She saved more than 10 servicemen, risking her own life. She died from artillery shelling by Russian troops, helping the wounded. Eternal memory!

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported the estimated losses of the Russian military on the 17th day of the war against Ukraine:

Хроніка подій: вісімнадцятий день оборони України від російської агресії

The Cabinet of Ministers has appointed Vereshchuk chief of staff for the treatment of prisoners. This became known from the government resolution №257. In addition to Vereshchuk, the staff included representatives of relevant ministries, law enforcement agencies, the National Security and Defense Council, and an adviser to the head of the Office of the President.

During the day, Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited our wounded soldiers in the hospital.

"Guys, get well soon. I believe the best gift for your check-out will be our common victory!" he said.

The Office of the Prosecutor General, together with Ukrainian and international partners, has created a resource https://warcrimes.gov.ua for proper documentation of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Russian army in Ukraine. Documented evidence will be used to prosecute those involved in crimes under Ukrainian law at the International Criminal Court in The Hague and a special tribunal after its establishment.

Send videos and photos to the site, as well as any information according to the protocol.

Currently, 1,717 criminal cases of Russian war crimes against Ukraine are being investigated. Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova announced this.

Despite the Geneva Convention, the Russian occupiers are targeting Ukrainian hospitals. "The occupiers destroyed 7 hospitals that cannot be rebuilt. 104 institutions are damaged, they can be restored. 34 medical vehicles were fired upon. 6 medical workers were killed and more than 13 were injured," said Health Minister Viktor Liashko.

The Russian army suffered heavy casualties due to a command error. The Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed almost the entire 155th separate brigade of the Russian Marines.

Ukrainian journalist Roman Tsymbaliuk said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine had practically destroyed units of the 155th Separate Marine Brigade. The 155th separate marine brigade is stationed in Vladivostok. The losses of the Russians amounted to about 600 servicemen killed. The same number are wounded. In addition, crew remnants don't have access to food and shelter.

In the evening, the OP announced that negotiations between Ukraine and Russia will take place on March 14 to sum up the preliminary results. Earlier, delegations agreed not to comment on the content of the talks until all key positions have been agreed upon.

Humanitarian corridors

Хроніка подій: вісімнадцятий день оборони України від російської агресії

7:00 – People will be evacuated from the Luhansk region today. The opening of the humanitarian corridor was announced by the governor of the region Serhii Haidai. Buses will take locals from Lysychansk, Kreminna, Rubizhne, Severodonetsk, Zolote, Hirske. Then they will go to safe places by train. The ceasefire has been announced since 09.00.

11:00 – Evacuation buses in the Luhansk region can't leave because of enemy attacks, the Head of the Luhansk regional state administration Serhii Gaidai reports. We are talking about the mass shelling of Kreminna, Rubizhne, Severodonetsk. Fighting also continues in Popasna and Hirske. We are monitoring the situation.

13:30 – in the Luhansk region, the occupiers disrupt the evacuation of civilians.

The shelling doesn't stop. 20 buses are waiting for a ceasefire to follow the agreed route.

Citizens will be evacuated from the Brovary district today. Settlements: Velyka Dymerka, Zaria, Hoholiv, Krasylivka, Svitilnia, Ploske. Collection points:

  • Velyka Dymerka – village council, street Bobrytska 1
  • Svetylna – Marchenko Square

Strictly follow all the instructions of law enforcement and stay calm!

The head of the Sumy region, Dmytro Zhyvytskyi, writes that on March 13 there will be no "green corridors" in the region.

And on the western border at the Krakivets checkpoint, a "humanitarian corridor" has been set up for people crossing the Ukrainian-Polish border. There, women and children will be able to warm up and relax.

20:00 – humanitarian aid didn't reach Mariupol again. The occupiers didn't stop the shelling. Azov fighters share their provisions with Mariupol residents so that families can feed at least children.

20:30 – The head of the Luhansk Regional State Administration Serhii Haidai stated that today they managed to withstand the ceasefire and managed to evacuate 1,600 people from the region in a day; now they are safe and are already heading to western Ukraine. Haidai said that if the same humanitarian convoy manages to survive tomorrow, evacuation vehicles will be sent to Popasna and Novoaidar.

22:30 – Today, 14 humanitarian corridors were planned, of which only 9 worked. In total, more than 5,050 people were rescued on March 13. However, due to violations of agreements by the Russian Federation, humanitarian corridors did not work in 5 settlements. Mariupol, which had been under attack all day, did not receive assistance. Attempts will be resumed tomorrow morning.

Who's coming to Ukraine? 

About financial aid, weapons, and volunteer fighters

The United States is working to provide Ukraine with more powerful air defense, according to The Washington Post.

The Government of Ukraine is negotiating with the world's largest companies for the supply of gasoline and diesel fuel to establish new logistics chains for the supply of these products to Ukraine

Nuclear energy 

The head of the IAEA spoke with the head of Rosatom, who said that Russia doesn't plan to take full and permanent control of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. You can't trust the occupiers! They already keep ZNPP under their control and use the station as a military base.

The IAEA President states that the situation at the Zaporizhzhia and Chornobyl nuclear power plants contradicts the principle of safety.

18:30 – Electricity supply was restored at the Chornobyl NPP, Energoatom reports. Now the cooling systems of spent nuclear assemblies will work normally again, instead of from backup power.

Belarusian journalists report that fires have started in the Chornobyl zone. According to them, there are now four fires, the area of which is increasing. Rescuers cannot reach the fire because of the occupiers.

Chemical threat

Russia's use of chemical weapons in Ukraine could force NATO to reconsider its decision not to intervene in the conflict militarily, said Polish President Andrzej Duda.

The Hill: "US and Ukrainian officials are preparing for Russia's possible chemical attack." Although the Pentagon said through spokesperson John Kirby on Sunday that it saw no sign of an "imminent chemical or bio-attack right now," preparations are underway. If such an attack by Russia takes place, according to White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, "the consequences will be serious for Moscow," he added, adding that the United States had reported the threat "directly to the Russians."

Close the sky!

Reznikov called for closing the skies over Ukraine due to the attack on the Yavoriv test site. "This is a new terrorist attack on peace and security near the EU-NATO border. Steps must be taken to stop this. Close the skies," he said.

Deputy Head of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Olena Kondratiuk addressed her Western partners: "Children of Ukraine ask to close the sky! International leaders, listen to our children! We will shout and show all the videos until we are heard!

European Foreign Minister Josep Borrell repeated that the West could not close the skies over Ukraine, as it would mean readiness to open fire on Russian planes and threaten the outbreak of World War III. According to him, the EU is "at the limit" to help Kyiv, but we should not expect an immediate effect of sanctions against Moscow; they are designed to weaken the economy and "will cost Russia dearly."

So far, the sluggishness of the West is costly for Ukraine. How many more victims are needed to finally be heard?!

News from abroad

Refugees from Ukraine will be able to get a tax number, work in Poland and get access to medical care. At the same time, the one-time financial aid will amount to PLN 300 per person. Details about the new law are here.

The British government has also expanded its refugee program in Ukraine. From now on, Ukrainians will be able to stay in the country, even if they have no relatives. And locals who shelter Ukrainians will receive $450 a month.

The Republic of Moldova begins to accept digital documents in Diia.

In Amsterdam, the parish of the Russian Orthodox Church passed to the omophorion of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. The reason is disagreement with the ROC's support for the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

In France, pro-Russian presidential candidate Eric Zemmour was attacked and an egg was smashed on his head yesterday. This is due to the fact that he is in favor of lifting sanctions on Russia.

NATO will protect its weapons shipment from the Russians: "Today, NATO chief Mr. Stoltenberg has stated that if at least one missile or a bullet hits a convoy they are delivering to Ukraine today, they will consider it a violation of Article 5 (North Atlantic Treaty), which is currently available in NATO countries."

The Iraqi Kurdistan capital, Erbil, has experienced explosions at night; about 10 rockets fell in the city, including near the US consulate, Al Jazeera and other media reported, citing local and US officials.

During a telephone conversation with Erdogan, Putin said he was not against meeting with Zelenskyy, the Turkish Foreign Minister said.

Mykhailo Podoliak, an adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, in turn, said that a meeting between Zelenskyy and Putin could take place in the near future.

Despite offers to mediate in talks between Russia and Ukraine, Turkey will not join Western sanctions against Russia, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said. War is war, and the tourist season is "sacred."

On the 18th day of the war, Israel condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Now officially at the meeting of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Romania and Israel.

Polish Academy of Sciences nominates Ukrainian writer, poet, and public activist Serhii Zhadan for the Nobel Prize in Literature

"Free Ukraine largely speaks and thinks in the words of Zhadan, listens carefully to them. Today the poet is in his Kharkiv. And he is fighting," the statement said.

And British actor Benedict Cumberbatch said he plans to take part in a program to receive Ukrainian refugees. The star states that it is impossible to ignore what is happening in Ukraine, so "everyone should do as much as they can."

Putin is sent the best in the bunker: former British Army Commander Colonel Richard Kemp has said that the West should not make it impossible to eliminate Putin, as it did with the terrorist Osama bin Laden, who posed a threat.

Meanwhile, the US is building bridges with China: US National Security Assistant to President Jake Sullivan and chairperson of the Chancellery of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee on Foreign Affairs, Politburo member Yang Jiechi will meet in Rome on March 14 to discuss the situation in Ukraine. The United States and China, as well as the impact of Russia's war against Ukraine on regional and global security.

What's in Russia?

There is less and less money left for the war: Russia has spent its annual pension budget on the war, Bloomberg reports.

The gap is still being closed. Serbia will reduce the number of flights to Russia because of Western pressure, a decision will be made in a few days, said President Aleksandar Vučić. It was reported yesterday that in this way, with the help of Serbian airlines, the Russians are avoiding a ban on flights to the EU.

700 rectors of Russian universities have signed a letter in support of the "special operation in Ukraine." That's all you need to know about the Russian intelligentsia.

Russia, meanwhile, has lost access to half of its gold and foreign exchange reserves. The total amount of reserves is about 640 billion dollars, about 300 billion dollars of reserves are now in a state in which it is impossible to use.

Putin's Russia has opened 14 mercenary recruitment centers in Syria in territories controlled by the regime of Bashar al-Assad (Damascus, Aleppo, Hama, Raqqa, and Deir Ez-Zor), Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reports.

The Foreign Minister of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba warned citizens of other countries who want to fight on the side of Russia that they will become war criminals.

And now the Russians don't stop counting losses. During the fighting on the territory of Ukraine, the enemy army has already lost more than 30% of its composition. Oleksii Arestovych, an adviser to the head of the President's Office, said this on the UArazom telethon: "They are dying, hundreds are dying. Near Mariupol, exactly 250 people were killed and more than 700 were injured. Losses are definitely growing, about 500-1000 every day, but it is difficult to calculate. 14-15 thousand is true, but more than 12 thousand are cautious," Arestovych said.

Russia is asking China to provide it with military equipment and financial assistance. The White House fears the move is a sign of growing ties between Beijing and Moscow. Let's see if China will respond to the request of the world's outcasts.

What about the Belarusians?

Belarus is treating Russian servicemen who were wounded during the war in Ukraine, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said. According to them, the Russian military lacks blood supplies for operations, so civilians are additionally involved in donating blood.

Sanctions on the aggressor!

Belarusian and Russian athletes will not be admitted to the competition at least until the end of 2022. In particular, they are forbidden to take part in the Summer Universiade, which will be held from June 26 to July 7 in Chengdu.

Toyota leaves the Russian market.

New EU sanctions against Russia will take effect today, said the French Foreign Ministry. We are waiting for the details.

Britain is considering using the sanctioned property of Russian oligarchs for refugees. "If you are under sanctions if you support Putin, and your house is here, then you have no right to use it or make a profit," said the British Minister for Housing.

The German manufacturer of electro-mechanical industrial and household appliances Bosch has stated that it has stopped the supply of household appliances from the EU to Russia. It also shut down two plants in St. Petersburg. Russians, get washing boards and irons on coals from the attics.

And another piece of good news: Diplomas issued by Russian universities are no longer recognized by the world, the Verkhovna Rada reports.

Life considering hostilities

Ukraine won another "gold" on the last day of the 2022 Paralympics: a victory in the relay in skiing. This is another medal of Ukraine at the record Winter Paralympics, in total Ukrainians won 29 awards!

The government is implementing a plan to support the sowing campaign. The state will reimburse interest on loans to cover any costs associated with agricultural activities, says the Prime Minister of Ukraine Shmyhal.

Farmers will also be provided with state guarantees for 80% of the number of loans they have attracted.

A telecast appeared in the Diia application. Even if regular TV doesn't work in your city, you can watch Ukrainian news in the app if you have the Internet.

All mobile operators continue to provide national roaming, according to the State Special Communications Service. As of today, national roaming can be used not only for voice and SMS messaging but also for mobile internet access.

Kyiv and region

The capital has formed a two-week supply of essential food for the two million Kyiv residents who stayed in the city.

70% of the city of Irpin in the Kyiv region is under the control of Ukraine, the fighting continues for the rest 30%, said the mayor of Irpin Oleksandr Markushyn.

The occupiers are cynically killing even journalists of the international media who are trying to show the truth about the atrocities of Russian troops in Ukraine.

A 51-year-old correspondent of the world-famous New York Times media was shot dead in Irpin today. Another journalist was injured. Now they are trying to take the victim out of the combat zone. Brent Reno, a US citizen, paid with his life for trying to expose the insidiousness, cruelty, and ruthlessness of the aggressor.

19:00 – Apparently, given the tragic incident with the dead American video journalist, for security reasons, journalists are banned from entering Irpin; this decision was announced by the mayor.
In all, three journalists have been killed along with Brent Renaud in the horde of full-scale war in Ukraine since the beginning of the war. These are journalist Viktor Dudar, who died during the fighting near Mykolaiv, and Live cameraman Yevhen Sakun, who died during a rocket attack in Kyiv.

Update: the wounded journalist was brought to Okhmatdyt.

Once again, the target of the Russian fascists was a civilian facility in the Kyiv region. The occupiers launched an artillery strike on the Pushcha-Vodytsia psychoneurological care home. According to preliminary information, no one was injured.

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Photo: facebook.com/UkrainianLandForces

And in the area of Hostomel, the Russians decided to build pontoon crossings. Our guys immediately roasted the invaders.

To protect Kyiv, anti-tank hedgehogs have been taken out since 1941, museum exhibits. Symbolic. Photo: Emin Sansar / Anadolu Agency

And below is another replenishment of trophies of the Armed Forces: in Irpin, our soldiers captured the Russian BMD-4. An absolutely serviceable enemy landing combat vehicle will now serve the Ukrainian army.

Kharkiv and region

Entrance to Chuhuiv, Kharkiv region, has been banned since March 13. This was reported by the district military administration. The ban was introduced to "prevent the penetration of enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups." You can get to the city only if you have a residence permit in Chuhuiv or documents to accompany the humanitarian convoy.

The State Border Guard Service reports the destruction of a Russian Tiger car led by an enemy column in the Kharkiv region while trying to enter the settlement. "Not all orcs have escaped, except the defeated Tiger, the enemy also has losses in self-propelled artillery."

Today in the Kharkiv region, Russian soldiers shot down their own drone and reported to their leadership that they had shot down a Bayraktar of Ukrainians. This was announced by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Zaluzhnyi and added: "This war proves how far we have come forward in recent years. Today, the Russian army in terms of professional is us of early 2014."

Donetsk and Luhansk regions

Ukrzaliznytsia reports: on the night of March 12-13 near Brusin in the Donetsk region, a passenger train was hit by debris during the shelling.

The train went to Lyman to evacuate the residents of Donbas. One conductor died, the other is now in hospital.

At night, Russian troops opened fire on Popasna and Lysychansk in the Luhansk region. Since the evening of March 12, enemy shelling in Severodonetsk and Rubizhne has not abated. According to Oleksii Biloshytskyi, the first deputy chief of the Patrol Police, the enemy fired at Popasna with phosphorous ammunition. Chemical weapons of this type are prohibited.

In the morning, the occupiers fired on the Sviatohirsk Lavra in the Donetsk region. Hundreds of refugee women and children are now there.

In Volnovakha, the Russian occupiers destroyed the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Captive orcs in Mariupol

The Pope cannot look on calmly at the Russian atrocities: "The city of Mariupol has become a martyr city of the fierce war that is ravaging Ukraine," he expressed his condolences.

To date, 2,187 Mariupol residents have died from attacks by Russia, the Mariupol City Council said. About 100 bombs were dropped on the city.

Changes in the receipt of humanitarian aid in Liodove in Severodonetsk.

In order to receive humanitarian aid, you need to call 0664795368! Do NOT send SMS messages. Only calls.

16:00 – Russian troops fired from missile systems "Tochka-U" Avdiivka in the Donetsk region. There are no data on the victims yet.

21:30 – Ukrainian Armed Forces reports: the occupiers fired on the Avdiivka Coke-Chemical Plant. Also, due to the shelling, the thermal power plant, which provides the city with heat, stopped.


Russian war crimes are becoming systemic. The head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration, Oleksandr Starukh, reports that Dniprorudne Mayor Yevhen Maveev has been abducted.

In the temporarily occupied Melitopol, the Russian military is warning about the ban on rallies through a loudspeaker. Melitopol residents send them to the Russian ship. They chant: "Melitopol is Ukraine!" and "Where is our mayor?!"

There is complete lawlessness in the city of Enerhodar. The occupiers openly beat people right on the streets. Some have their cars confiscated, while others are "packed" and taken away in an unknown direction.

Melitopol City Council deputy Halyna Danylchenko, who "headed" the city occupied by the occupiers, was informed about the suspicion of treason.

Kherson region

Skadovsk is ours! Skadovsk Mayor Oleksandr Yakovlev said the city was completely liberated from Russian invaders.

Numerous rallies again in Kherson. Several thousand Kherson residents took to the streets to protest against the Russian occupiers.

14:00 – at a rally in Kherson, the occupiers opened fire! UPD: people report that shots were fired into the air and at the feet of protesters. Fortunately, no one was injured.

78 years ago, on March 13, Kherson was liberated from Nazi invaders. We believe that it will soon be liberated from the Russian occupiers, the first deputy chairperson of the Kherson regional council, Yurii Sobolevskyi, wrote on his personal Facebook page: "History repeats itself, and Kherson and the region are occupied again. Only now are Russian fascists bombing Kherson land, occupying cities, looting and shooting villages, and killing civilians. But we do not give up! We are fighting for a life in a peaceful, free and independent Ukraine."

In the afternoon, a column of Russian troops, about 30 units of equipment, arrived in Skadovsk in the Kherson region again. They settled in one of the children's camps, said the mayor of Skadovsk Yakovlev. In the afternoon, they went to the city council building again. There were no workers there at that time. On other points, the situation is unchanged. Skadovsk is Ukraine.

21:40 – Russian military arrived in the village of Chulakivka, Kherson region, and took control of the village center, said the head of the Chulakivka territorial community Musienko.

22:20 – the Russian troops fired from Grad missile systems the settlement of Vysokopillia of the Kherson region. Direct hit in the garden, the gas transmission network is out of order. No lights and damaged houses.

Mykolaiv and region

Heroiv Ukrainy Avenue in Mykolaiv

In Mykolaiv, in the morning occupiers bombed the research and production complex of gas turbine construction, "Zoria – Mashproekt," the head of the Mykolaiv regional state administration Vitalii Kim reported. Because of the bombing of Mykolaiv, 9 people are dead.

The occupiers carried out airstrikes on the city of Bashtanka in the Mykolaiv region. As a result of the attack, a man was trapped in one of the damaged houses. He has now been taken to hospital.

The British Ministry of Defense said that the occupiers will try to bypass Mykolaiv to attack Odesa. According to intelligence, the Russians are trying to surround the Armed Forces in the east from Kharkiv and Mariupol.

The Mykolaiv zoo asks for help! The zoo found itself in a difficult situation due to continuous shelling by the Russian Nazis. The institution, due to lack of visitors and, accordingly, income, runs out of animal feed. Despite regular shelling, the Mykolaiv zoo continues to work in a wartime mode. The facility is closed to visitors, but the staff continues to care for its residents.

You can support the animals by buying an online ticket on the official website of the zoo. This is the least that each of us can do to support this heroic city!

Today Russians struck an airstrike on a school in Mykolaiv. "One needs to be a moral freak to give and carry out such orders," the Head of the Mykolaiv regional state administration Vitalii Kim wrote.

As a result of the bombing of a school in the village of Zelelnyi Hai in the Mykolayiv region, four people died and three others were injured. The Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security reported, citing the Interior Ministry.


Russian military prepares for landing in Odesa. This was announced in an evening telethon by UArazom by Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksii Danilov. He added that "there is someone to meet the paratroopers."


Updated data: as a result of yesterday's missile strike on Kropyvnytskyi airfield, seven people died.

Chernihiv region

In the morning, the Russian military launched an airstrike on Chernihiv. The 9-story dormitory was destroyed and the building caught fire. Previously, 7 people were rescued, 1 person died and 1 was injured. Rescue work continues.

During the day, 10 fires were registered in Chernihiv, 8 of which were extinguished by SES units. Of these, 5 fires were due to shelling. The fires killed 3 people.

In the Chernihiv region, the Russians lost another tank unit that was planning to advance in the direction of the capital. Our Armed Forces played well in tanks; the enemy's equipment went to a well-known direction of the Russian ship.

In two days, Ukrainian artillery destroyed 80 units of the occupiers' military equipment in the Chernihiv region. "For two days, cars with fuel, ammunition, and weapons were on fire," the military said.

19:00 – Minus another plane of the occupiers. This time near Chernihiv.

Zhytomyr region

Zhytomyr Mayor Serhii Sukhomlyn spoke about the situation in the city. According to him, despite regular "alarms," no airstrikes or shelling were recorded in Zhytomyr on March 12 and 13. Currently, the city continues to prepare for defense

Vinnytsia region

An enemy UAV was shot down over the Vinnytsia region, said Serhii Borzov, head of the regional military-civil administration.

Sumy region

22,500 subscribers in the Sumy region remain without electricity. According to the regional military administration, the shelling in Okhtyrka, Trostianets, Lebedyn, and Sumy. In Okhtyrka, the CHP and the power substation are completely destroyed, there is no heat carrier in the city. Water supply, drainage is intermittent.

A gas station was on fire in the village of Polohy, Okhtyrka district, as a result of shelling by Russian troops. According to rescuers, no one was injured.

At about 9 p.m., Russian military aircraft bombed the outskirts of Okhtyrka. The housing sector was affected. The information is being clarified.

Western Ukraine

The Russian fascists began to reach out to previously peaceful areas. Air alarms continue in Lviv; people are urged to stay in shelters. At around 6:00 am, the sounds of explosions were reported in Lviv.

In the Lviv region, an airstrike was carried out at the International Center for Peacekeeping and Security. According to preliminary data, eight missiles were fired.

Хроніка подій: вісімнадцятий день оборони України від російської агресії

As a result of the shelling of the Yavoriv test site in the Lviv region, 9 people died and 57 were injured.

13:30 – the death toll from the shelling of the Yavoriv military range has risen to 35. Another 134 are in hospital. The airstrike was carried out from the Black and Azov Seas. The planes took off at Saratov airport. In total, the occupiers fired more than 30 missiles.

But the Ukrainian air defense system worked; some missiles were shot down in the air.

According to Jake Sullivan, an adviser to the US President, the Russian fascists' attacks on the Yavoriv test site near Lviv are a sign of disappointment with the course of hostilities in Ukraine.

"In Ivano-Frankivsk, the occupiers hit the airport again," the mayor wrote. He is convinced that the occupiers are beating Western Ukraine in order to intimidate the population.

Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov again called on Western partners to close the skies over Ukraine because of the attack in the Lviv region.


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