09:46 18 May 2024

Ukraine reports on NATO-standards implementation

The Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of Ukraine have implemented 322 NATO standards, and another 50 are at the implementation stage. In total, 1135 standards are in force in the Alliance.

The Ministry of Defense informs about this, referring to the words of the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Stanislav Haider.

According to Haider, 322 NATO standards have already been implemented in Ukraine, and another 50 are at the implementation stage. He emphasized that the armed forces must meet all standards to achieve interoperability.

"My direction leads work both on the concept of the Roadmap of interoperability with NATO, measures of the adapted Ukraine-NATO Annual National Program, and on the implementation of joint medium-term and long-term projects. And all this is about NATO standards," he said.

The Deputy Minister of Defense noted that one of the important projects is also the launch of a joint institution with NATO—an analytical, training, and educational center. This center will not only help ensure a joint analysis of security challenges but also contribute to the improvement of the training and military education system. According to him, Ukraine will not only gain knowledge within the scope of the center's activities, but Ukrainians will also share their own experience with partners.

"Our contribution to the center's activities is primarily related to the ten-year experience of the Russian-Ukrainian war, innovations, and practices we formed during the full-scale invasion of Russia. This experience is already changing NATO standards, forming the ability to respond to challenges and threats in the field of defense," he emphasized.


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