18:00 22 Apr 2024

Solutions to win: Ministry of Defense procures 4,000 drones for Ukraine's armed forces

Photo: Ministry of Defense

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense's "Defense Procurement Agency" has finalized contracts to purchase 3,000 DJI Mavic 3E drones, 1,000 DJI Mavic 3T drones, and additional equipment through the Prozorro bidding process.

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reports this.

What is the problem?

According to Dmytro Klimenkov, the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, speed and accuracy are crucial factors for success in modern warfare. As a result, drones have become essential assistants to the Ukrainian military. By utilizing drones, the army increases its agility, mobility, and effectiveness, making it better prepared to face any challenges.

"Hence, the Ministry of Defense aims to equip our armed forces with the maximum number of drones. The integration of cutting-edge technologies with the military's exemplary expertise will guarantee our nation's strong defense," Klimenkov emphasized.

What is the solution?

Military units have received the initial shipments of unmanned aerial systems. Furthermore, the "Defense Procurement Agency" under the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is currently acquiring an additional 6,000 drones through the Prozorro system, including 4,500 Mavic 3E complexes and 1,500 Mavic 3T complexes.

How does it work?

The total amount of concluded contracts is UAH 575.2 million.

According to the results of the agreements, the average prices of one unmanned aircraft complex were:

  • UAH 126.9 thousand – DJI Mavic 3E drone with three additional batteries and a charger;
  • UAH 194.2 thousand – DJI Mavic 3T drone with three additional batteries and a charger.

"When there is true competition among suppliers, the best prices can be acquired. That's why, when the Agency was given the chance to purchase necessary Mavic UAVs for the front, we utilized the new framework agreement process in Prozorro. This strategy proved to be successful. At certain auctions, 6-7 participants vied for the lowest price. As a result, we obtained record-breaking prices for the government, which align with the findings of investigative journalists," said Maryna Bezrukova, director of the Defense Procurement Agency of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.


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