17:32 12 Apr 2024

United to win: Netherlands allocates € 1.4 bln for military support and reconstruction of Ukraine

Photo: Office of the President

The Netherlands allocated one billion euros for military aid to Ukraine and another 400 million euros for reconstruction.

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, announced this following the results of a telephone conversation with the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

According to him, these contributions are additional to the obligations under the bilateral security agreement. Details of the new defense aid package are currently unknown. The head of the Dutch government announced that his country has also decided to allocate 3 billion euros for military support in 2025.

In addition, Zelensky and Rutte discussed joint work with partners to accelerate the supply of shells for artillery, ammunition, and air defense systems. The Dutch Prime Minister assured that his country "continues to do everything possible" for this.

The Ukrainian leader discussed the preparations for the Peace Summit in Switzerland and invited the Netherlands to join. He also discussed with Rutte the necessary efforts to get the measure supported by as many countries as possible.

As Rubryka previously reported, in Kharkiv, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, and the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, held negotiations in narrow, extended formats and the format of a meeting of the military cabinet. They also signed an agreement on security cooperation between Ukraine and the Netherlands.

For reference:

The Netherlands will allocate more than 100 million euros, with the help of which they will finance the supply of hundreds of thousands of ammunition the Czech Republic found for Ukraine. Among the ammunition found, according to Czech President Petr Pavel, there are half a million 155 mm caliber shells and another 300,000 122 mm caliber shells.

The Dutch government has earmarked 2 billion euros of military support for Ukraine next year:

  • 295 million euros as a contribution to the European Peace Fund,
  • 89 million euros for justice,
  • three million euros for non-military cyber support.

Also, the Netherlands has already allocated 9 million euros to strengthen the Office of the Prosecutor General and the judiciary of Ukraine.

Earlier, the prime ministers of the Netherlands and Great Britain agreed to work on forming an international coalition of fighter jets for Ukraine.

As reported by Rubryka, at the Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting in the "Ramstein" format on January 23, another country – the Netherlands – joined the IT coalition.

On February 17, the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, assured that the transfer of F-16s is on schedule and that Ukraine will be supplied with at least 24 multi-purpose fighters.


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