20:29 17 Nov 2023

United to win: Netherlands allocates additional €2 bln in military aid to Ukraine

The Dutch government has allocated an additional 2 billion euros in military aid for Ukraine in 2024, says Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren.

She called it "a sign of unwavering support for Kyiv's war against Russia."

What is the problem?

The exhausting all-out war has been going on for a year and nine months now. The support of Western allies remains the main push that brings Ukraine's victory closer.

The Netherlands is one of Ukraine's allies in the war. Amsterdam provides Kyiv with not only military but also economic assistance. The Netherlands has led an aviation coalition within which Ukrainian pilots are trained to fly F-16s.

What is the solution?

The decision to allocate the aid is a sign of Kyiv's continued support for the war against Russia.

"This will allow us to guarantee our support for Ukraine and ensure continuity, which is extremely important for Ukraine," said Dutch Defence Minister Kajsa Ollongren.

How does it work?

Ollongren said that the support will be provided depending on Kyiv's needs and may include the supply of modern drones.

The funds are to be used for supply of ammunition, maintenance of equipment and weapons, improving cyber security, and restoration.

The following package is part of a broader aid that the Netherlands will provide to Ukraine next year, which includes an initial amount of €102 million for reconstruction and humanitarian assistance.

The aid worth provided by the Netherlands to Ukraine during the conflict has amounted to €7.5 billion.

The Netherlands allocated more than €100 million to help Ukraine with EU reforms and preparations for the winter.


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