11:47 15 Mar 2024

Russia will use "dead souls" of its soldiers to support Putin in elections – Ukraine's intelligence

Photo: AP

The leadership of the Russian Ministry of Defense has allowed military personnel involved in the war against Ukraine to vote in the presidential elections without even appearing at the polling stations. 

They also plan to add those who recently died, went missing, or were captured to the list of "voters," Rubryka reports, citing the Ukrainian Defense Intelligence.

"This significantly facilitates the task of the 'election commissions' in falsifying the results. According to the latest instructions from the main military-political department of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the criteria for identifying voters among military personnel have been simplified to the extent that there is no need for their physical presence at the voting," the statement reads.

The intelligence emphasized that no passport or military ID was needed to confirm one's identity — a photocopy of documents is sufficient.

"It is evident that in this way, Russian 'election commissions' will attempt to increase the number of Putin's voters by involving 'dead souls' in the 'voting.' In particular, alongside existing servicemen, they also plan to include those who have recently died, gone missing, or been captured," the intelligence reported.

The Intelligence Directorate stressed that considering the losses of the Russian forces in Ukraine, "the number of those who will 'support' Putin in this way may turn out to be quite significant."

"The Kremlin is undertaking a whole set of measures for the fictitious conduct of the so-called presidential elections in Russia. However, it is obvious to everyone that neither the fact of these elections nor their results serve as a means of legitimizing Putin's rule, neither in Russia nor beyond its borders," the report stated.

As previously reported by Rubryka, the US does not recognize and will never recognize the legitimacy or results of fake elections in Russian-occupied territories of sovereign Ukraine, which are part of the presidential elections in Russia.

What we know about the elections in Russia

The presidential elections in Russia will take place on March 17. The Federation Council adopted the corresponding resolution on December 7. At the same time, the Russian election commission decided that the elections would last for three days: from March 15 to 17.

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin announced that he would run for a new presidential term in 2024.

Journalists decided to analyze the state where the Kremlin leader plans to run for the 5th term and rule the country until at least 2030 before the elections. Their conclusion is that Putin is very tired and behaves strangely.

Putin was elected president of Russia in 2000, 2004, 2012, and 2018. Before the 2012 elections, in 2008, the presidential term was extended from 4 to 6 years.

After the amendments to the Russian Constitution were adopted in 2020, Putin received the right to nominate himself for the presidential elections in 2024. Vladimir Putin has been in power for 21 years.


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