11:47 13 Mar 2024

Demining machines successfully clear 47.3 hectares of agricultural land in Mykolaiv region

Photo: Facebook / Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Mykolaiv region

In the Mykolaiv region, sappers have already cleared 47.3 hectares of agricultural land using mechanized demining machines.

The Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Mykolaiv region reported that.

"In the process of demining from explosive pyrotechnics, the State Emergency Service uses different methods: from the traditional "manual" surveys of territories, when a sapper using mine detectors passes through potentially dangerous areas and examines them meter by meter, and with the help of mechanized demining machines," the sappers explained.

розмінування, Миколаївщина

Photo: Facebook / Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Mykolaiv region

It is reported that currently, specialists use four mechanized demining machines. With their help, 47.3 hectares of Mykolaiv agricultural lands have already been demined.

розмінування, Миколаївщина

Photo: Facebook / Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Mykolaiv region

According to the pyrotechnicians of the State Emergency Service, different caliber ammunition often falls under their chain mechanism, which, according to the principle of operation of the equipment, explodes on the spot.

розмінування, Миколаївщина

Photo Facebook / Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Mykolaiv region

Sappers drive cars using a special joystick.

розмінування, Миколаївщина

Photo: Facebook / Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Mykolaiv region

For reference:

About 174,000 square kilometers remain potentially mined in Ukraine. This is a huge territory, the demining of which may take decades, but Ukraine's goal is to do it in the coming years.

At the end of February 2024, Serhiy Reva, the head of the humanitarian demining department of the State Emergency Service, said that demining specialists managed to reduce the area potentially contaminated by explosive objects by 18,000 square kilometers. Currently, it reaches 156 thousand square kilometers, about 25% of the state's total area.

It is worth adding that artificial intelligence will be involved in demining the Ukrainian territory. An American technology company will help implement the planned strategy.

Also, the third model of a domestic demining machine, which is not inferior to the best Western analogs, was presented in Ukraine.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, more than 270 people have been killed by the detonation of mines and explosive objects.


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