18:51 11 Mar 2024

Russia, Iran, and China team up for joint naval exercises

Photo: DW

A group of Russian warships arrived in Iran to participate in exercises in the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea. Along with the Russians and Iranians, China will also participate in the exercises. Six more countries have been invited as observers.

Reuters reports this with reference to the statement of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

It has been reported that a squadron of Russian warships, led by the Pacific Fleet's cruiser "Varyag," has arrived in Iran to participate in the "Maritime Security Belt2024" exercises. Russian aviation will also be joining them. In addition, China will be sending two guided missile warships and a support vessel for the exercises.

According to the statement, the goals of the exercises are to "strengthen security in the region," including the protection of international maritime trade, the expansion of multilateral cooperation between the countries participating in the maneuvers, the fight against piracy and terrorism, the exchange of operational and tactical experience, and the demonstration of the ability countries to jointly maintain peace throughout the world.

Representatives of the Navy of Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Oman, India, and South Africa will be observers at the exercises.

Iran announced that naval exercises in the Arabian Sea will begin on March 12.

Trilateral exercises involving Russia, Iran, and China took place for the first time in 2019. The northern part of the Indian Ocean was chosen as the action area. In 2021, the training took place without the participation of China.



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